Chapter 45

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A/N- For the purpose of this story, the adoption process has been dramatically accelerated. I wanted to Tyra to have a permanent home sooner rather than later.

I got a call from Agatha almost three weeks after the trial. She said she was able to fast track the adoption process and all that was needed to be done now was for me to sign the paperwork. I also found out it was almost Tyra's birthday so I thought maybe showing her that the adoption was official could one of her final gifts. In other news though, Tyra has made friends with a couple of the kids her age in the neighbourhood.

I had arranged to visit Agatha in her office today as Tyra was over at one of her friends houses, she has my number so if she needs me all she has to do is call. After waiting in the reception area for a few minutes, Agatha came to get me and led me to her office. Upon entry, "Please take a seat Payton." Agatha says. I thank her and sit infront of her desk, "How have things been with Tyra since I last saw you two?" she asks. "Things have been good. Tyra has made friends with a couple of the neighbourhood kids her age and I was thinking, that I might enroll her in the same school as them ready for the new semester. Oh and I've been planning for her birthday, we'll be in San Diego but I was thinging that maybe because we'd be close by, that I could surprise Tyra by inviting her sister out for a birthday dinner." I told her to which she nods and smiles.

"Well that is so good to hear and I think Tyra would love that. Now, here is the paperwork I called you about, all you have to do is sign and it'll be official." Agatha said joyfully, sliding it over to me. I picked up the paperwork and read through it, just to make sure everything was in order and signed when I was happy with it all. I handed it back to her and with a gleeful smile, "Well then, congratulations Payton Black. You have officially adopted Tyra Kershaw who is now legally Tyra Black." she stated. Tyra had asked me on the way home from the courthouse if she could take my last name when I adopted her and of course I said she could. So the next day, I called Agatha and asked if she could include her name change with the adoption and she was happy to oblige.

Now, all I have to do is plan the surprise for Tyra's birthday and set up a meeting with Athena - Tyra's sister - for when we are in San Diego. Agatha gave us Athena's contact information upon her request so she could have some kind of contact with Tyra and to have a form of contact with me so she could be apart of Tyra's life as much as she could. Athena had called me the day after the trial to ask how Tyra was doing and I told her that, even though it was hard, Tyra did really well throughout the day and that I was planning on adopting her. She was happy that Tyra had someone like me to care for her and give her what she needs but Athena was a little upset that: One, she didn't know about Tyra; Two, that she couldn't be a bigger part of Tyra's life; And three, that she couldn't protect Tyra from their mother. I told her that nothing was her fault, that it was all her mothers and that no matter what, the fact that she is here now is all Tyra could ask for.

Agatha gave a copy of the adoption paperwork and the adoption certificate to prove it was all official and I was sent on my way. I texted Tyra saying I was on my way home and when I got into my car, I called Athena as I knew she had a day off of work. After a few rings, she answered...

Phone call

(A is Athena and P is Payton.)

A: "Hello."

P: "Hey Athena, it's Payton."

A: "Oh hey Payton, how are things?"

P: "Good and you?"

A: "I'm good, what can I do for you?"

P: "That's good and I'm calling for two things really. First, I wanted to let you know that the adoption is now official."

A: "OMG that's great. What's the second thing?"

P: "Well, the second this is, I have a to travel for show in a couple weeks."

A: "Okaay soo what does that have to do with me?"

P: "You see Athena, the show is going to be in San Diego and I'll be bringing Tyra with me. Her birthday also falls on a day that we'll be there so I was wondering... if you were free of course, if you maybe you wanted to meet up for dinner that day as part of a surprise I'm planning for Tyra."

*The line went silent for a few seconds as I waited for Athena to answer.*

A: "You have to joking. Please tell me you're not joking."

P: *I could hear in her voice that was trying not to cry.* "I'm not joking Athena, I have a Rumble match and a singles match at the Pechanga Arena. Tyra and I will be in San Diego in a couple of weeks and will be there for a week. Her birthday falls in the middle of that week and I wanted to make her first birthday with me really special because I doubt she's had a good one in a while if ever.

*We talk for a few more minutes and I tell Athena the dates we'd be there as well as the day of Tyra's birthday so she can check to see if she is free. She confirmed that it was one of her days off and we agreed that we'd make arrangements closer to the day.*

P: "okay well, I'll let you go. Gotta get home and start dinner."

A: "Okay, bye Payton."

P: "Bye Athena." *And with that, we hung up.*

Phone call ended

I drove home and was greeted by Tyra. I made dinner for us and she told me everything her and her friends did today. We relaxed and spent some time together before Tyra got tired and went to bed, me following not long after.

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