Song: Hold On- Chord Overstreet
The thing is, my hands are shaking and my tears are falling and oh my God I can't do this anymore.
-------Kenzie's POV:
So far this morning and afternoon has been eerily quiet, and it worries me. I woke up about three hours ago, and there has been no noise. Kinsler is still asleep, and mom is in the shower. While she is in the shower, I decided that I am going to start packing the stuff I want to take with me, along with the stuff Kinsler will want of his.
Obviously, I grab almost all of our clothes, shoes, and other necessities we will need. I also grab a few of our favorite books, a few of Kinsler's favorite toys, and a few random items that I want. It doesn't take long to get our clothes neatly into the duffel bags, nor does it take long to get the random items in them either. Since we aren't taking much, mom figured we should take a few things to keep us entertained until we can buy a tv and other stuff that'll make it more of a home. As she said, but she doesn't realize that we only need each other for it to feel like a home.
When mom gets out of the shower, I have just finished putting mine and Kinsler's stuff in the bags. "You already got packed?" Mom asks me, and I nod.
I give her a lazy shrug. "Might as well do it now, that way later we can just grab them and leave."
At my explanation, she nods, and says, "Well then, I'll get mine packed too."
"I can't believe it. We are finally going to be free." I express my thoughts out loud, and she just smiles. It feels like a dream. It feels too good to actually be true, but it is true.
"When he leaves, we'll leave about fifteen or twenty minutes after. That way we can know for sure he is gone." She explains, and I nod. "I'll send you the address so you can have it when we get ready to leave" She tells me and I nod again.
Kinsler wakes up with a smile on his face, and we return one to him. "Good morning guys." He says, and we say good morning back. "What are the bags for? Are we really leaving today?" He asks quietly, but you could tell he was joyful.
"Yes we really are. After the monster leaves later." I tell him, and he smiles.
"Okay. I'm going to shower." He announces, and heads into the bathroom. Mom starts packing, and I sit on my bed, staring at the wall.
"How are we going to sleep?" I ask mom curiously, and she sighs.
Her smile slips a little, and I instantly feel terrible for asking. "Well, I don't know. We can make pallets on the floor for now. I have a little bit saved up, and we can buy air mattresses and use those for a few weeks. Then later on buy beds. It'll take a while to make it a home, but we'll get it done." She answers.
"Kinsler or you can use the air mattress I have, or you both can. It's big enough for two people. I can sleep on a pallet we make." I tell her, and she shakes her head no.
She points a finger at me, "No. The saving me is over. Once we leave. You will start being a teen. Sneak out, do stupid shit, and make memories. You won't have to worry about being protective anymore." She tells me, and I laugh.

Still We Rise
Teen FictionShe always made her life seem good to all her friends, so no one ever cared to take a deeper look into what it's liked behind closed doors. Everyday was a nightmare They always kept the themselves, that was until they noticed how the girl with ocean...