Song: Here's To Never Growing Up- Avril Lavigne
Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional.
————————Miles's POV:
Today was the day I realized how stubborn five year olds can be. No matter what it is over they will make you know their thoughts and opinions about it, and no matter what the facts are they are determined they're right. So far, most of my day has been spent with two five year olds. Who has been arguing about whether Hot Wheels or Barbies are better. Obviously, we -all the guys- say Hot Wheels, but that was apparently not the right answer. Now, we get to listen to Jazzy, who is arguing as to why Barbies are better. In case you're wondering, she and Kinsler have been arguing about it for thirty minutes now.
"No, listen to me Kinsler! Hot Wheels do not do anything except slide across things. Barbies can be whatever and do whatever you want them to do." Jazzy argues, and we all nod in agreement. It's not like Dravon, Eli, and I have any real interest in what she's saying, bu we are still listnting to her side nonetheless.
Kinsler runs his tiny hands down his face, "But, Hot Wheels are way better. They can do whatever you want them to do too. If you want them to fly, they can. If you want them to be a weapon, they be. If you want them to be a basic car, they can be. Just becasue it's a car doesn't make it less special!" He exclaims, and we all nod again.
When they argue over things like this, we do a lot of nodding because we can't hurt their feeling by disagreeing with them. And sometimes, we actually take interest in what's being said, usually when Kinsler makes his argument because we get his side, but still it's an interest. And before you judge us, we've been listening to two five year olds argue for forever. They both make valid points, but as a kids who played with cars and action figures, I have to side with Kisnler.
"Also, Barbies come in how many different forms? I'd say twenty five, but since I don't keep up with the girly things I don't know for sure. It's still not very many, and pretty boring if you ask me. Meanwhile, Hot Wheels have over twenty thousand different models of cars." Kinsler adds to his side of the arguments and we nod again. If I had to praise Kenzie for anything she's done, it'd be for teaching Kinsler about the different car models that are offered.
They argue some more, and when they stop it's because the door opens and closes. "Kenzie's here!" They shout, and run over to her.
As she always does, she picks up Kinsler in her right arm and Jazzy in her left, then makes her way over to us. "What's up?" She asks, and we shake our heads. "Were they terrible today?" She questions, and we give her a 'are you dumb' look, because these two have never been anything less than sweethearts. Their arguments just get old sometimes.
"They were angels as always," Dravon states, as he stands up. He walks over to Kenize, takes Jazzy into his arms, and taps his shoulder to Kenzie's. "So, how'd it go?" He presses, and she smiles.
Her smile is a real one, one we've never actually seen. Don't get me wrong, she tries to smile like this when Kinsler and Jazzy are around, but we all know it's because she doesn't want them to see how she's feeling. But this one is a new one, one that tell me we'll see a lot more of it, and one that I'll do everything in my power to make sure she never loses it again.
"Well, we..." She pauses, her voice breaking, and I can practically hear all of our hearts beating. She takes in a shallow breath, "Well, we're free! I'm free. Kinsler's free. It's over." She says.
Still We Rise
Teen FictionShe always made her life seem good to all her friends, so no one ever cared to take a deeper look into what it's liked behind closed doors. Everyday was a nightmare They always kept the themselves, that was until they noticed how the girl with ocean...