Song: Atlantis- Seafret
It's crazy how trauma makes you push people away when all you want is love.
———————Kenzie's POV:
I wake up this morning to my phone ringing. I sluggishly get off of the recliner I slept in, and make my way over the two mattresses and the two pallets that Dravon and Eli had made. Then I make my way to the bathroom to answer the call.
"Hello this is Kenzie, how may I help you?"
"Hey Kenzie. This is Laci, the medical examiner from the hospital. I'm sorry it's early."
"No. You're fine."
"Okay, well I did your moms autopsy report and Officer Izens said you wanted to know for sure how your mother passed is that right?"
"Yes that is, continue please."
"She was shot in the left side of her heart as you know, and the bullet traveled and hit her left coronary artery. Which is the very top artery on the left side. She will be ready for a funeral home tonight or whenever you get it all set up."
"Thank you. I'll call back this evening or early in the morning tomorrow with details about where she'll be going and all of that stuff."
"Alrighty, thank you. And I am so sorry for your loss. We send you prayers and our condolences."
"Thank you. Bye." I hang up the phone, and slide down the wall.
It's official. It is finally official.
I knew when we left the hell house that she was gone, but this is a slap into reality.
Violet Renee Collins is officially gone, and I am the one who gets to plan her funeral. Her seventeen year old daughter and five year old son, are planning her funeral.
I knew eventually that I would have too, but I'm not ready to yet. Then again she was not ready to leave the earth, so the least I can do is get it over with and let her finally rest in peace like she deserves.
If you would have told me two months ago that I'd be planning my mothers funeral, I would have laughed at you for telling a stupid joke, maybe even bought you something. But now that I'm actually doing it, it's not some stupid joke. It's unfortunately happening.
Once I have regained myself, I stand up, wash my face from any tears that escaped my eyes, and head back into the living room where everyone is sleeping. The only one who is awake is Miles. Which isn't even a surprise anymore. He's always the first one up.
"Hey Kenz, what are you doing up so early? He asks, and I shrug.
"It's ten, so it's not that early. And I got a call from the morgue. The autopsy they did, showed that the bullet shot her on the left side of her heart, and then traveled and hit the left coronary artery" I explain, and he nods.
"So now the funeral?" He asks, already knowing the answer, but I nod anyways.
"Yeah. I have to figure out where we want her to have her service, but I think just Miles and I will pick out a coffin, then have our own little service. Not many people still talked to her. And since I haven't touched the money she had saved up, I'll use that for whatever we need to pay." I tell him, and he nods.

Still We Rise
Teen FictionShe always made her life seem good to all her friends, so no one ever cared to take a deeper look into what it's liked behind closed doors. Everyday was a nightmare They always kept the themselves, that was until they noticed how the girl with ocean...