32: I'm Proud Of You Three Part I

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Song: Best Day Of My Life -American Authors
Nothing lasts forever but at least we got good memories.

Miles's POV:

I jump up, and land face first on the floor when my alarm goes off indicating that it is time for us to get ready for graduation.

Graduation. Damn, it's insane to me to think that thirteen years ago I started school. It feels like yesterday I was Jazzy and Kinsler's age. It's insane to think that my mom won't be here this evening. And it's insane to think about how today is the day we all move on with our lives.

After laying on the floor for ten minutes, I jump up, and start making noise in any way I can. "COME ON! IT'S TIME! TODAY IS THE DAY WE GRADUATE!" I yell. Neither Dravon nor Eli move. Not even a flinch. I resort to the next thing I can think of. Banging pots and pans together.

Once I have my metal friends, I start banging them together. I dance around, belt out lyrics, I even jump on the couch near them. Still neither of them move. I let out a sigh, and jump off the couch.

I go next to Eli's ear, place the pans above it, pull them apart, and bang them together as hard as I can. He flinches out of his sleep, and shoots up. "Dude. This is like the millionth time you have woken me up in an unnecessary way. Next time I'll slice your throat." He threatens, and I laugh.

"Whatever. It's time to get ready for graduation, and you two choose to ignore the alarm I set. Don't say you didn't hear it because it was up all the way, and in the middle of the room." I justify, and he rolls his eyes.

"Are you going to wake Dravon up that way?" Eli asks me, and I shrug. "I'll wake him up. You go shower and get ready." He bosses, and I nod. No reason to argue with that.

I hand Eli the pans, grab my phone, and head across to my apartment to shower and look my best to walk across the stage. When I get into my apartment, I head to my room to grab a change of clothes, and then to the bathroom to shower and shave my stubble that I've been neglecting for the past week.

While I shower I do a quick run through how the day is going to be, and what graduation will look like without anyone there for us, even though I'm pretty sure Kenzie is going to make good on her promise and show up.

I get out of the shower in a record time, only because there's two other people who need to shower and probably shave. When I'm out of the shower, I throw my basketball shorts on, and start shaving. By the time I'm done shaving my phone rings, I wipe my face one last time, and answer the phone not bothering to look who's calling.

"Hey Miles." A female says, and I pull my phone away from my ear to look at the name.

"Hey Cathy. What's up?"

"I wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be there tonight, but don't let Dravon know that. I'll bring Jazzy and Kinsler with me too, and meet Kenzie."

"Umm, Kenzie said last night that she might not make it so don't hold your breath with her showing up. But I'll keep it a secret about you coming, and we want nothing more than for the kids to watch us walk across that stage tonight."

"Well, we'll be there. I'll let you go back to getting ready. Remember, don't tell Dravon."

"Yeah yeah. I got it. See you later." And with that, she hangs up on me.

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