23: Christmas Sleepover

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Song: All I Want For Christmas- Mariah Carey

Kenzie's POV:

It's been almost a month since Kinsler was released from the hospital. And now it's Christmas Eve!

Turns out while I was at a therapy session a few weeks ago, the guys took Jazzy and Kinsler to pick out a tree and decorations for our apartment. As grateful as I was, I was also a little hurt because I wanted to go with them, but I got over it when they brought me Christmas cookies.

"So what are y'all's plans for tomorrow?" Miles asks me, and I shrug. The same as every year minus my mom. I want to tell him, but I refrain myself. There is no need to bring down everyone's spirit.

"Not many plans. Wake up around six, cook us our Christmas breakfast, after Kinsler wakes up he'll open his presents, then we'll eat, and watch movies for the rest of the day while we put together some of his presents." I tell him, and he nods.

"No offense, but that sounds lonely and a little boring." He tells me, and I laugh. Trust me, I know.

"Yeah, without our mom it's gonna be lonely and boring. There are some things she'd do that I can't bother to do because it'll be weird, and other things we'll still do. But it'll never be the same." I tell him, and he nods.

He looks over to Dravon and Eli, who nod at him, and I look at them confused. I already know they are planning something, and if I ask then I'll get ignored. It's how it always goes, so I don't even bother asking anymore.

"Kenzie, we gotta run somewhere real quick. Can we leave Jazzy here for a few hours?" Dravon asks, and I nod. Oh god, what are they planning?

"Yeah. She can keep Kinsler entertained while I wrap his gifts." I tell him, and he nods.

"Okay, we'll be back in two or three hours. If you need anything, call or text us." Eli tells me, and I nod again.

"Bye then." I say. I want to question it, because they are all acting weird, but I shrug it off. It's not worth it at the moment. I need to focus on getting everything ready for tomorrow.

I get up off the couch, and go to Kinsler's room where the two five year olds are playing. "If you guys need anything knock on my door, okay?" I tell them, they say okay, and I walk to my room.

When I get to my room, I close the door, and lock it because I know they will walk in if it's unlocked. A bad habit we all apparently have.

Once I lock the door, I walk to my closet, pull out all of the wrapping paper I bought, the guys and Jazzy's presents out of the closet, and then get under my bed to get Kinsler's presents.

Thankfully, before he had his seizures and forgot mostly everything, he wrote his Christmas list for Santa, so it was easy to shop for him. Jazzy was also easy to shop for because she only wanted dolls and clothes. Now the guys, they were the hardest to shop for.

As I start to seperate all the presents into piles, there's four light knocks on my door. I let out a sigh, get up, open the door, and am met with two five year olds.

"We're hungry Kenz." Jazzy tells me, and I nod once. Of course they are. They stay hungry, I blame Eli and Dravon. Those two eat all the time.

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