Chapter 2

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            A policeman veered people away. He adjusted his hat ever so slightly. His frustration was starting to get to him. He glanced over as a young woman approached him. For a moment he quirked an eyebrow in slight interest, but this facial expressions turned sober quickly.

            “It looks like you could use a break,” the girl smiled kindly. “Chief said to let you have a small breather and let me watch things for about an hour.”

            “He did?” The policeman tilted head in slight confusion. It was unlike the chief to be so generous to the lower level policemen. Suspicion started to rise in this man. “And would you have some identification?”

            “Oh yes!” The girl reached into her jacket’s pocket. It was then the policeman noticed that it resembled that of a Turk. She then handed over her ID to him.

            The policeman took it, she was indeed a Turk. He had to gulp ever so slightly. If the chief sent her here, then that most definitely meant that Shin-Ra didn’t trust the local law enforcement. He couldn’t blame them, though. They were mostly corrupt and only cared about money.

            “So how about it?” The girl took her ID back from the man.

            “Yes, sir,” He nodded his head. Women who are Turks are supposed to be addressed as sir – the girl in front of him made a mental note of that as he said it. “Thank you, I suppose I’ll go and grab a bite then.”

            “You go ahead and do that,” The girl turned to face the pedestrians of Midgard. Her face was serious that hinted that no one should speak to her any further.

            The policeman nodded towards the girl and hurried off. The idea of being around a Turk more than he had to spooked him to his very core.

            Once the policeman was out of sight the girl smirked. Her eyes traveled over to the yellow tape that would forbid the public from crossing it. She glanced around. It seemed that the people of Midgard were avoiding this area. No doubt they were nervous about running into the same trouble that besieged Shin-Ra.

            “Oh, what was that?” The girl questioned no one in particular. “Did I just hear some ruckus going on in the building? As a Turk I should go a check it out.” Her voice dripped with faulty acting.

            The girl lifted the tape and bent underneath it before walking into the building. She had an hour at the most before the policeman returned, so she had to make it fast. Quickly, she reached into her purse and took out her camera – on its strap read Verna Alm. Ms. Alm took pictures of the entrance way and then of the stairs and elevator.

            “Let’s see if this baby actually works,” Ms. Alm fidgeted with the ID card that her fat boss seemed to have on hand. Rather particular, really, not to mention illegal. Her mind flashed back to when he gave it to her.

            “Ms. Alm!” He called out to her as she past his office. “Come here before you leave!”

            The girl entered his office and was immediately handed a piece of plastic. “What is this?”

            She moved some strands of red hair out of her face as she glanced at the card. Her photo was on it and it was clearly a fake ID for a Turk. Though, her knowing she wasn’t actually a Turk was the only reason why she knew it was a fake ID. In all honesty it didn’t seem forged. How did her boss manage this?

            “You need a way to get into the building, right?” Her boss put out his cigar in the ash tray. “I have some connections at Shin-Ra headquarters that made the card. It’ll get you to any floor of the building. That way you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble.”

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