Chapter 37

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                Where was she? She didn’t know. She had no idea, in fact. It was as if she was floating through something. It was cold, that she was sure of. No wait, there was some warmth. Like a hand was placed on her. It was a kind touch, like that of a mother’s.

                “Mom?” She questioned, barely able to make out the word.

                A light laugh was heard, “So many of you are calling me your mom. I think I’ll just take that as a compliment.

                “Technically you did give them life by saving them,” It was a man’s voice – hasn’t she done an interview with him before.

                “Where am I?” Verna questioned.

                “The lifestream,” the soft voice female spoke. “But I don’t think it’d be right to let you stay here. Someone’s mourning over your death, and I don’t think he’s taking it too well.”

                “Rufus?” Verna asked simply.

                She heard the female laugh lightly. The warmth faded and was only replaced by a cool dampness.

                “You couldn’t have held on just a little longer, could you?” A harsh voice cried out. It cracked as he spoke, most likely holding back tears. “Damn it! Right when I get you back you have to go and die.” He held the body closer to him. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.”

                She was confused. She wasn’t dead. In fact, she was almost positive she was breathing. Why didn’t he notice? She felt something wet fall onto her face. Her eyes slowly opened and her heart shattered.

                His eyes were shut tightly, but wet drops managed to fall down from them. His eye brows were scrunched together and he bit his lip out of pain. He looked completely distraught. He pulled her body closer to him and hid his face in the crook of her neck to hide his emotions. His shoulder shook violently as he tried to hide the noise.

                Slowly, a hand – her hand – rose up and ran her fingers through his hair. He froze and pulled back. His blue eyes searching her face frantically. She gave a small smile, but yelped from shock as he crushed her body to his, as if he was never going to let her go again.

                “You’re alive, but….”

                “I was dead,” She slowly returned the hug. “But I’m alive now.”


She nervously played with her left ring finger. An impressive ring was around her, an engagement ring. Three females gave encouraging smiles towards her, all wearing the same dresses.

                “You look beautiful, there’s no need to worry!” The blonde Turk, Elena cried out as she left to walk down the aisle.

                “Ready?” Verna glanced up towards Cloud who was going to give her away. She gave a small nod and walked down the aisle.

                She met eyes with him, and it said it all. She was going to stay with him forever.


THE END! Ahahaha, ‘bout time I finished this.  Anyways, I really, and I mean really, enjoyed pissing people off with my whole Riddler fan-fiction and made it so they weren’t together. I did do that on purpose, because I felt like making my readers mad. I know, I’m evil~! But I felt like this time I should keep them together. But you all should thank Haybay2273, because if they didn’t comment on pretty much every chapter, I probably wouldn’t have finished.

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