Chapter 15

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                “So you become fearful when someone comes into close contact with you,” Rufus stepped forward.

                Verna turned her back to him and gripped onto the counter tightly with her hands, “Stay away from me!” She closed her eyes tightly to try and stop herself from crying. “Just stay away!”

                Rufus raised an eyebrow, “I just want you to answer my question. If you do, I’ll give you all the space you need.”

                Verna opened her eyelids half way and she stared down at her bandaged hand, “What question is it?”

                “Who runs the newspaper?”

                Verna shook her head as her mind raced, “I can’t betray her.”

                “So it’s a female that runs the paper?” Rufus quirked an eyebrow, that certainly narrowed things down.

                “O-Or him!” Verna squeaked.

                Rufus narrowed his eyes, “You already said her…” He stepped closer to her. As he did so, he noticed her entire body tense up. “Now tell me who it is.”

                Verna’s eyes filled with tears, her body tried to contract within itself to get away from him. She looked for an escape, but she was cornered. She could feel herself slowly slip into a panic attack. If she didn’t tell him she most definitely would have one.

                “What’s her name?” Rufus placed one hand next to her to show how close he actually was to her.

                Verna felt a tear drop roll down her cheek, “P-Patricia.” She coughed trying to get rid of the lump in her throat, “Patricia Lynn.”

                Rufus removed his hand and stepped back from her. A satisfied smirk rested on his face. He got what he wanted just by using a little bit of fear. Things always worked out in his favor when he did something like that. He still couldn’t wonder why she had such a fear, though.

                “Thank you, Verna,” He spoke before moving some hair out of his face. “I’ll make sure that she is arrested.”

                Verna remained quiet as she wiped her tears from her face. She kept her back to him. He couldn’t see the small smile on her face. He fell for her lie. The fear was all too real, but the name was not. It was her uncle that ran the company, not Patricia. No, but she would feel satisfied having her arrested. After all, the two did know each other.

                “I hope you do realize that I did need that name and I don’t have time for something like that,” Rufus spoke to her.

                “You didn’t have to be so cruel,” Verna snapped. “Those rumors about you being so cold really were true, weren’t they?” She turned around, hatred burned through her eyes. “Just because you’re the president of some fancy company does not give you the right to do that. You can’t just use a person’s fear against them! You have no idea what kind of emotional damage they might have!”

                Verna walked up to him and stopped until she was about two feet from him. She looked up at his cold blue eyes. She took a deep breath. Her hand stung in an instant. Rufus’s face was to the side with a red hand print starting to develop on his cheek.

                “You’re a sick bastard,” Verna whispered before storming out of the room quickly before Dark Nation could arrive.

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