Chapter 29

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                Rufus looked at the girl before him. He kept an indifferent face while looking down at her. He knew what he had to do, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell her what was going to happen to him. The man leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheeks. He moved back and spoke softly.

                “I’ll meet you in a restaurant in Kalm tonight,” Rufus examined her. He motioned for Reeve to walk over. “Reeve will take you there, alright?”

                “I’ll see you there then,” Verna replied with her cheeks dusted a pink hue.

                “Take Dark Nation with you,” Rufus spoke before she walked away.

                Verna paused and nodded. Dark Nation walked after her. The panther looked over at his master as if knowing what was going to happen. Rufus stared emotionlessly at him and nodded for Dark Nation to follow Verna. The panther obeyed.

                The president in the white suit watched her leave. He took in all he could. Her auburn hair flowed behind her. She wore a breezy skirt that stopped just below her knees – something that he didn’t really ever see her wear. The man watched her until she disappeared from his view.

                Rufus turned away and sat down at his desk. His head was buried in his hands. He was prepared for what was going to happen, but he didn’t want to let her go. The man looked up and to the phone on his desk. He’d get some closure.

                “Hello,” Rufus spoke. “I would like a place an order for a bouquet to be delivered tonight. I’d like to throw in a special request with this as well…” He paused, “I’m Rufus Shinra, make it happen.” He paused once more, “I’d like a note to be attached to it.”

                After a few minutes of speaking, Rufus Shinra placed the phone down and stood up. He looked at the cannon that was transferred from Junon to Midgar. He took a deep breath in. He wondered if he would be able to see his mother again. He wondered if that in the lifestream he’d even remain conscious of who he was. He doubted it, but he still held hope.

                “It’s still not too late to run,” Rufus whispered to himself. “But if I did that then I would be a coward who couldn’t take responsibility for his company’s mistakes. Who would think that this would be the end of me?”

The man lingered in his office until it was time. It was at night. He closed his eyes as he realized that Verna probably received the note. It pained him greatly that she would have to read it, but it had to be done.

                The man walked to the window of his office. The canon moved. The Huge Materia was starting to activate. He looked up at the lights as they turned off to fuel the canon. He moved back to his desk and gripped the sides as the canon gained power. This was it.

                He took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves. Even if he did accept what was going to happen, but he couldn’t help but feel anxious – maybe even scared. Rufus closed his eyes as he went over everything that he’s accomplished.

He saved the Turks from certain death and secured their future with Shin-Ra. In turn they’ve remained loyal to him and not Heidegger.

Verna took a seat at the restaurant. She held her wrap to her body to cover up the skin that her dress revealed – she changed into the dress when she arrived in Kalm. She glanced at the menu and read over what she wanted to eat. Rufus hadn’t shown up yet, but Reeve was kind enough to stay with her until he did.

He had Sephiroth kill his father after his father blew Sector 7 up – it was an unforgivable act.

She shifted in her seat as she glanced around. It’s been ten minutes since Reeve said that Rufus would be there, she was starting to get worried. Trying to calm her nerves she took a sip of her water.

He became president of Shin-Ra Electric Power Company.

Verna glanced out the window. There was a brilliant view of Shin-Ra Electric Power Company’s tower in Midgar. Above it was Meteor. She wasn’t as worried about it anymore. Rufus said he had a plan to stop it.

He stopped one of the WEAPONS.

Verna glanced over to a person who approached the table. He asked if her name was Verna. She nodded and was handed a bouquet. A note fell onto her lap as the man walked away quickly. Frowning, Verna took the note and took it out of the envelope. Tears fell from her eyes as her lip quivered.

He solved the mystery to who the newspaper girl was.

The cannon shot. A sound of a screeching hit his ears. Only when he thought of the last item did his eyes open widely. There was an incoming attack from WEAPON. He felt pain.

He fell in love in the newspaper girl.

Her head snapped to the building. A fiery explosion took its place. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. Her mind was trying to comprehend exactly what just happened.

                Once she came to realization she felt her heart leap out of her rib cage. If only it did in a literal sense, then she wouldn’t have to feel the numbing feeling that encompassed her entire being. Verna slowly stood up and her feet stumbled towards the window as she watched the ashes fall to the sky. The once great tower of Shin-Ra Electric Power Company blew up. Rufus was in that building.

                “Rufus!” Verna wailed as she tried to run forward, but was held back by a pair of strong arms.

                Her breathing quickened as she started to hyperventilate. She was having a panic attack. Her arms shook as she covered her face. Tears ran freely down her face. She tried to hide the pain that was coursing through her body, but her shaking shoulders gave it away.

                Reeve – who held her back – loosened his grip, allowing Verna to fall to the ground to the ground. She gave out uncontrollable sobs. He was in the building when it blew up. He was in the building when WEAPON attacked. And now Rufus was in the building, dead.

                Next to her lied the note.


                When we first met I must assure you I was furious. Not only had the Tiny Bronco escaped, but one of my managers was hit by a semi-truck, no thanks to you. I arrested you and wanted to deal with you myself. I had to get answers out of you; I had to locate the source of the newspaper. I suppose I never did accomplish in doing that. I did accomplish something else.

                I found the mysterious newspaper girl. I fell in love with the mysterious newspaper girl. Unfortunately, I can’t meet this mysterious newspaper girl for dinner today. Nor can I meet her tomorrow, or any day after that. This is because I won’t be here anymore.

                Today I will die. The cannon will fire and I’m nearly positive that this will result in my death. I have already accepted that I will die today, but I haven’t accepted that I will be leaving you. I am hoping that this will provide some closure and perhaps some comfort.

                Dark Nation is now yours. You always did seem to like him, and him you. As for my company I doubt there will be anything left of it. The people will most likely destroy it after all that has happened. Scarlet, Heidegger and Palmer won’t be after you anymore. I’ve already taken care of them. No one should be after your newspaper company either.

                Live your life. Do what makes you happy. You better not join the lifestream until you’re at least eighty.

                Love now and forever,

                Rufus Shinra

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