Chapter 19

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                “Just act elegant and proper,” Rufus whispered into Verna’s ear. “Try not to speak to too many people and they won’t know that you really shouldn’t be here.”

                “If I shouldn’t be here then why did you bring me here?” Verna questioned quietly. She started to feel like some sort of freak.

                “Because I wanted you to come with me.”

                Verna watched him suspiciously behind her mask. He’s been acting odd ever since she went out of the building. He must have not trusted her anymore. Verna held back a sigh; doing so could cause some suspicions as to who she really is.

                “President Rufus!” A voice sounded as the two made their way into Shin-Ra’s building. “How nice to see you!”

                Verna looked at a plumper man. He was wearing a couple of casts. It was Palmer. Verna hid a smirk behind her hand seeing the damage she caused him. Served him right, he was running away from a fight.

                “Palmer,” Rufus responded, there was slight amusement in his voice. “Were your wounds really that severe?”

                “Yes,” Palmer’s face grew dark. “When I find the bitch who did this to me she’ll have another thing coming! I heard it was the girl who was writing for the newspaper. Did you capture her yet?”

                “I did,” Rufus nodded his head. Verna looked up at him in alarm. “But she managed to escape. One of the soldiers fell asleep while guarding her.” Verna relaxed at his lie. “Now, do you know where Heidegger and Scarlet are? I need to speak to them.”

                “They’re bickering as usual,” Palmer nodded. His eyes managed to look at Verna. “You have a date?” Behind Palmer’s mask Verna could see he was shocked.

                “Yes,” Rufus nodded. “I do. Let’s go.”

                He put an arm around Verna and guided her away from Palmer. The man was left with a dumbstruck expression. Rufus looked for a clear table and led Verna there. He shifted a seat out and motioned for her to sit down. Upon doing so he sat down as well.

                “What was that all about?”

                Rufus leaned back in his chair and observed other people in the room, “Nothing.”

                “It has to be something. The look on Palmer’s face was priceless,” Verna smiled slightly.

                Rufus glanced over at her and shook his head, “It was nothing important. Now we know that he wants to kill you, though.”

                “Perfect,” Verna rolled her eyes. “I just love it when people try to kill me. It just gives me an excuse to not show as much skin as most people would. And most people being like her.” Verna motioned her head towards a woman with an extremely low cut dress that showed much of her cleavage. To make matters worse it was high cut on her legs.

                Rufus glanced over and shook his head, “That’s Scarlet. She dresses like that all the time.”

                Verna raised an eyebrow, “Seriously? Holy Shiva.” Verna shook her head.

                “I agree,” Rufus looked Verna over. “I prefer a woman who knows how to dress herself, and not look like a prostitute, and who has some actual standards.”

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