Chapter 31

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            People were scrambling everywhere. They were attempting to get away from the falling debris that came from Shin-Ra’s tower. Some sought refuge under the plates of the sectors, but many of the plates threatened to collapse in the sunless city. There were two people in particular that were scrambling, but they weren’t seeking shelter.

            Verna held her gun close to her as she watched the pair. It was a bearded male and a female that was barely clothed in clothes. It was the two managers that had previously sought out revenge against the newspaper girl. It was Heidegger and Scarlet.

            Quietly and swiftly, Verna followed them, dodging flaming debris. She held her gun close to herself as she followed the two managers that were attempting to rule the company. Her eyes watched them like that of a hungry panther. Speaking of panthers, Dark Nation followed loyally by her side.

            The two managers stopped in front of a mechanical robot. Just as they were about to examine it, Verna flicked her chin forwards toward Dark Nation. Understanding, the panther ran forward and pounced onto the blonde. She screamed as she fell to the ground. Heidegger turned around in shock and was met with the end of the gun pointing directly in his face.

            “Remember me?” Verna glared up at the bearded man. “If you don’t answer my questions you’ll meet a fate worse than just being kicked. Understand?” Verna thrust the gun at him to emphasize her point.

            Heidegger’s face was flushing a red as his anger took a hold of him. Somehow, the temperamental man restrained himself from going on a rampage. He nodded slowly and held his hands in the air. Scarlet meanwhile was still struggling with Dark Nation, but due to the panther’s weight she couldn’t escape.

            “I learned that you’ve done some research on my father,” Verna took off the safety on her gun. “What do you know about him? Where is he?”

            Heidegger looked at her with amusement, “You think that I actually know that? I did have the file, but that’s only connected to the computers in Shin-Ra’s building. There’s no way you can possibly get to it.”

            “You’re lying!” Verna growled through clenched teeth. “I want the real answer.”

            “Want doesn’t get,” Heidegger simply replied.

            “You’re right,” Verna put her finger on the trigger. “And you wanting to rule Shin-Ra doesn’t get you anywhere. You have to work for it! You can’t just do this!” Verna pulled the trigger.

            The gun shot echoed throughout the air. Scarlet ceased her struggling and looked at up with a horrified expression. Verna backed off and lowered her gun. Her shoulders were shaking out of anger. Heidegger fell to his knees.

            “It was a blank, dumbass,” Verna looked at the manager who was frightened out of his wits. “I wouldn’t kill someone just like that. Not even scum like you.”

            “Verna?” Verna glanced behind her shoulder to see Cloud, Vincent, Cait Sith, Red XIII and Tifa. Cloud spoke again, “What are you doing here?”

            Verna backed further away from the managers, “Just getting some answers out of them. They’re taking over Shin-Ra, attempting to at least. I think you’re better off ruling Shin-Ra, Cait Sith. Well, at least the man behind the puppet.”

            “They already know it’s me,” Reeve spoke in his actual voice through Cait Sith.

            “I see,” Verna nodded. “Are you stationed in Junon yet?”

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