Chapter 34

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                Hair stuck to her face as rain continued to fall down. The umbrella was next to her on the ground, opened. Her hands were still in the air, pantomiming holding that said umbrella. The girl’s bottom lip trembled and her tears joined the rain drops that were streaming down her face.

                Her boot – that protected her broken leg- took a tentative step forward, followed by her normal leg. She limped until she fell down to her knees. A sob escaped her lips as she pulled onto her now soaked hair.

                A panther nudged her and lied down next to his new master. He glanced up at the rock set out in front of them. Engraved on it was her Father’s name, a day of birth and a day of death.

The doorbell rang. Hurried steps sounded, but they were silenced through the pounding rain and booming thunder. The door swung open to show a girl soaking wet. The girl looked up with a looked of expectancy. That look faded to one of utter disappointment.

                “I-Is Mister Deline here?” She watched the woman who opened the door.

                The woman pursed her lips together as she examined the girl standing on the porch, “Who are you?”

                “Verna Alm,” the girl spoke softly, “Mister Deline is my uncle. Who are you?”

                The woman raised an eyebrow as she noisily chewed on some gum, “I’m the one who got money from his life insurance. I was first in line to get it. Well, after you. But you were missing, so I got everything.”

                Verna’s eyes widened, “What…? What are you talking about?”

                “You’re uncle’s dead. Tough break,” the woman slammed the door in Verna’s face.

                Verna fell to her knees as she stared at the door, “Dead? How? Why!?” Her shoulders shook as the rain continued to pour down onto her, “First Rufus, then Dad and now him!? Why is everyone dying?” A scream came from her lips as she gripped onto her leg. Her vision blurred, but she managed to see a black liquid seep through her pant legs.

                “If you don’t leave right now I’m calling the cops!” The woman from before shouted as she slammed the door open. Her eyes widened and her hands shot to her mouth, “The stigma! Ah, disgusting! You people should just stay away from the rest of us!” The woman shut the door quickly before calling in an emergency.

                The panther growled at the door and glanced down at his now unconscious master. He lied down protectively near her, vowing silently he would protect her.

“Nngh,” A groan escaped from Verna’s lips as she opened her eyes. She was dry in in a comfortable placed. Sitting up, she glanced around the room. It was plain, with only a few pictures here and there. She climbed out of bed and walked to a particular picture. “Is that?”

                “Glad to see you’re awake!” Verna looked down seeing a little girl staring up with her with a wide smile. “You’re Verna, right?”

                “Do I know you?” Verna raised an eyebrow in confusion.

                “We never met, but I know you!” She held her hands behind her back. “I’m Marlene, you know Papa, and Tifa, and Cloud, too!”

                Verna’s eyes widened, “Are they here right now?”

                Marlene shook her head, “Papa’s out on a mission and Cloud’s gone as always. Tifa’s here, though! Come on, she’ll be happy to say you’re okay!” She began to walk out, “Oh, and that panther that was with you is downstairs. It ran after Cloud.”

                “Why did Dark Nation do that?” Verna mumbled mostly to herself, but it didn’t go unnoticed by Marlene.

                “Cloud found you unconscious and when he tried to pick you up the panther attacked him,” Marlene smiled as she walked down the stairs. “Then when Cloud finally managed to get you away it followed him all the way to here!”

                “Where is here?”

                “7th Heaven!” Marlene exclaimed proudly, “It’s Tifa’s bar and my home!”

                “Marlene!” Verna looked up seeing a familiar face with new clothes, “Oh, Verna, you’re awake?” Verna nodded slowly, “I’m glad to see that. Marlene, go look after Denzel while I talk to Verna, okay?” Marlene nodded and ran back up the stairs. “Please, sit,” Tifa smiled kindly at Verna. “Do you want something to drink?”

                “Just some water,” Verna spoke softly due to her scratchy throat. Fur brushed past her, glancing down Verna gave a small smile, “Hey, Dark Nation.”

                Tifa watched the panther carefully, “That was Rufus’s, wasn’t it?” She shook her head as she filled a glass with water, “Cloud had to fight against him right after Sephiroth killed the first President.” Verna raised an eyebrow and muttered a quick thanks for the glass. “Anyways, what were you doing outside in the rain like you were last night?”

                Verna swished some of the water in the cup, “I was going to see my uncle after I found out that my father died.” She paused for a second, “But it turns out he died while I was gone.”

                “I’m so sorry, Verna,” Tifa looked down at the bar. “Do you know how?”

                Verna looked up, “My father was shot and killed by some of Shin-Ra’s men. He was working for AVALANCHE and did some missions in Wutai. I don’t know about my uncle, right now. It could have been the stigma. Everyone who gets it dies.”

                Tifa slammed her hands on the bar, “Don’t say that, Verna!” Verna looked at Tifa with shocked eyes, she was furious. “We can’t just give up hope. There has to be a cure and it’s only a matter of time before it’s discovered. Even if we adults know that it might now happen, we have to stay strong for the kids. Upstairs there’s a kid named Denzel who has the stigma.” Tifa paused, “And Cloud, he has it, too.”

                “He does?” Verna watched her. “You guys saved Gaia, and now he has….”

                “Ironic, isn’t it?” Tifa cleaned the bar. “It’s called geostigma for earth’s disgrace, and he was the one who saved us all.” A small sigh escaped her, “Everyone who gets it is sad for a reason, though. Cloud was upset that he couldn’t save Aerith. Denzel lost his parents. And you, when did you get it?”

                Verna stared at Tifa, “Right after I found out my father died.”

                Tifa nodded softly, “No matter what you do, don’t fall into the darkness anymore. It’ll only make it get worst.”

                “It doesn’t even matter, anymore,” Verna shook her head and stood up. “I should get going. Thanks for everything, Tifa.”

                Verna began walking out with Dark Nation close behind her. Tifa ran out from behind the bar and grabbed her wrist.

                “Just stay here for a while, okay? At least until we can be sure you won’t be passing out in the rain again,” Tifa gave a small smile. The phone suddenly rang, causing Tifa to sigh. “He’s not here anymore. Wait here. Go ahead and sit, okay?”

                Verna glanced down at Dark Nation and shrugged before directing her attention towards the television. Her eyes narrowed at the headline, “Should Shin-Ra Pay?”

                Verna rolled her eyes and turned around to the panther and stroked his head while listening to Tifa talking, “Reno called, he’s in Healen. Says he’s got work for you. Cloud, how have you been?”


I freaking miss Japan. Being back in America kind of just sucks. We’re so stupid here and people are just so rude! God, and I miss walking everywhere and taking the trains. I’ve been going on walks every day in just an attempt to get past being back in America. >_< I’m having a post-Japan depression.

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