Chapter 30

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                “Verna,” Reeve knelt down to the girl who was sitting silently on the floor. Her tears were dried up, “Let me take you home…”

                Verna stood up by herself and whispered, “I’m going to my uncle’s place…You don’t need to take me…” She looked at the bearded man, “I need to do something things anyway…I always was useless.” The girl looked down at her hands and clenched them, fighting back some tears, “But I want to be of some use.” She looked up at Reeve with determination, “Rufus said that his company was going to be destroyed after…What happened to him. I’m not going to let that happen.”

                She grabbed her purse – which was more of a messenger bag – and walked past Reeve. Dark Nation followed her steps closely. Verna walked with confidence. Her initial grief was gone; she’d mourn Rufus’s death later. Now, she had a mission that had to be carried out.

                “What are you going to do?” Reeve turned to Verna with curiosity.

                Verna stopped in her tracks, “You just worry about defeat Sephiroth and stopping Meteor for now, Reeve.” She moved some hair out of her face, “Once AVALANCHE has done that go to Junon and gain the people’s trust. I’ll get the Turks to evacuate Midgar, it’s not safe there anymore.” She smirked slightly, “And then I’ll use the paper to trust Shin-Ra and place the blame on the other managers.”

                “You could place the blame on Hojo,” Reeve crossed his arms. “He was the one who created Sephiroth.”

                “What?” Verna narrowed her eyes.

                “He’s his father that okayed the experiments to be conducted on his own son,” Reeve began to explain. “He performed an experiment on Cloud which resulted in Cloud giving the Black Materia on Sephiroth. He’s also the one conducting experiments on Jenova. He’s the reason why everything is such a huge mess.”

                “I see…” Verna sighed. “Getting a scientist like him mad at me might not be in my best interest, though.”

                “Oh, we believe he’s dead. He’s been missing for a while, so there shouldn’t be a problem..”

                “Perfect,” Verna nodded. She turned to face him, “Best of luck, Reeve. I hope we see each other again.”

                Verna walked out of the restaurant with Dark Nation close behind her. The panther kept an eye on her. He was worried about her mental state. He could sense that she was extremely unstable on the inside, but was keeping up a tough façade on the inside.

                Verna held her thumb out as she began walking to Midgar. She needed to get to her uncle’s place before she could do anything. A truck drove by, but soon stopped. Verna looked at it and ran over, Dark Nation loyally with her.

                A weak smile made its way onto her face, “Seems like I’m getting a ride off of you again, huh?”

                “Looks like it,” It was the doctor that took Verna to Rocket Town. “You goin’ to Midgar?”

                “Sure am,” Verna nodded. “I hope you don’t mind, but I have company with me this time.”

                The man leaned a little to see Dark Nation and put his cigarette out, “Well, get in. I don’t mind if ya have your pet with you.”

                “Thanks,” Verna climbed into the truck, but only after Dark Nation jumped in. “Why are you going to Midgar?”

                “I need some medical supplies for my practice,” He spoke simply. “You?”

                “I have a company to keep alive and a newspaper to write for,” Verna replied vaguely and glanced out to the scenery that was speeding by.

An hour later and the trio made its way to Midgar. Verna hopped out of the truck with Dark Nation and attempted to pay the doctor. He simply shook his head and drove off leaving a small cloud of exhaust.

                Verna coughed and waved it away before turning to face a house. She was at her uncle’s. The girl walked up to it cautiously and knocked on the wooden door. After a few moments footsteps were heard and the door opened.

                “Verna!” It was her plump uncle. “My goodness it’s been awhile!” He ushered her in, “It haven’t talked to you since a little bit before you published that news article when AVALANCHE was in Rocket Town. What happened?”

                Verna looked down, “I couldn’t really talk to you. I was staying with the President, and I didn’t want to jeopardize the newspaper.” She felt a lump build up in her throat, “And well…He’s…Dead.”

                Her uncle narrowed his eyes at her reaction, “Go and sit down, I’ll get you some tea.”

                Verna sat down onto the couch when he walked away. She grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it, trying to push the memories back. Dark Nation laid by her feet and kept an eye out on the world. The panther raised its head when Verna’s uncle returned. He gave a small growl.

                “It seems like your pet doesn’t like me,” Her uncle placed a cup of tea on the coffee table. “When did you get him?”

                Verna looked up at him, “Rufus just gave him to me in a letter I received right before he died…”

                “Were you to in a relationship or something?” Her uncle questioned somewhat hesitantly.

                Verna looked to the side, “You could say that…” She sighed and took a sip of her tea, “And now his company will be destroyed by the people. If I could use the newspaper to try and put the blame on not the company, but someone else then that would be perfect. The company wouldn’t be destroyed and it would have a chance of running again.”

                “But who would run it?” Her uncle questioned. “It is there fault, isn’t it?”

                “Not entirely,” Verna pursed her lips together. “It’s Heidegger, Scarlet, Palmer and Hojo. They’re the problems. Reeve could run the company. He’d be the one most suited to do so. He cares about what happens to the world, and he’s responsible. We’ll just have to make sure Heidegger doesn’t assume control.”

                Verna placed her cup back onto the table, “But first we need to evacuate Midgar. Does your friend who work at Shin-Ra have any contacts with the Turks? I need them to get people out of here.”

                “I’ll look into it,” Her uncle stood up and began to walk to where the phone was.

                “Uncle…” Verna started, “Do you know anything about my father?”

                Her uncle paused, “Let’s focus on this first.”

                “You tell your friend to get everyone to evacuate Midgar,” Verna stood up. “There’s something I need to do.”


Sorry it’s taken a while to post this chapter. I’ve had to work on my AP portfolio for 2D design, and I’ve had to study for my AP Stat test and AP Psychology test.

Anyways! I want to get a tattoo, but I’m worried that since my frontal lobe isn’t fully developed I’ll be making a reckless decision.  If I were to get one I’d probably get it on my shoulder blade and it’d probably be this one: . I have played the game since I was two or three, so I don’t think I’d regret getting a FF7 tattoo…What do you guys think?

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