Chapter 8

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                Too much of Verna’s relief, the ship arrived at Costa del Sol in an hour or so. AVALANCHE was in a mad dash to get off of the ship. So much so, that Verna managed to lose track of them. She kept glancing around nervously, hoping she wouldn’t see Rufus or Heidegger behind her back.

                Her mind flashed back to when Heidegger had a firm hold of her. Verna was absolutely defenseless. She had nothing to protect herself with except for her dumb luck. She knew that had to change. Quickly, she went into Costa del Sol and found an ATM where she withdrew some gil, enough to last her for a while. She wanted to limit the number of times she used her credit card in case Shin-Ra grew suspicious of her locations mirroring that of Shin-Ra’s.

                Verna’s eyes glanced around as she searched for a weapon shop. Upon finding it she walked inside. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to get. Her eyes met that of a man lazily scanning through a magazine.

                “Can I help you, miss?” The man raised an eyebrow. A woman as a soldier, was this a kind of joke?

                “Yeah,” Verna nodded her head. “I need a weapon.”

                “Well you came to the right place,” the man rolled his eyes. “Anything specific you’re looking for? We have all sorts of weapons.”

                “Do you have anything that’s easy to conceal and easy to carry?”

                The man nodded and reached under the counter before handing her a gun, “This could do the trick. You could hide it on you and it could easily kill something…Or someone.”

                Verna examined it. She didn’t particularly care for firearms. She saw them as a sort of method for cheating in combat. One could have firearm, but very little skill and kill someone whose skill surpassed theirs. However, when it comes to survival and battling, there are no rules. Everything is fair game.

                “I’ll take it,” Verna watched the man get out some paper work. “Will Shin-Ra get that?”

                “’Course they will,” The man looked at her. “Unless you pay extra.”

                Verna placed down an extra 100 gil, “Will that cover it?”

                “Yep,” The man pocketed the money. “I’ll just say it broke and we couldn’t sell it.”

                “Thanks,” Verna nodded her head. “Now about ammo…”

                “It’s included with your purchase,” The man grinned. “I have some of the best prices in all of Gaia for a reason. Even if this is a tourist spot I don’t overcharge.”

                “That’s very generous of you,” Verna smiled as she was handed her gun and a box or two of ammo. “Thanks.”

                “Have a good day,” the man nodded as Verna left the shop.

                Verna glanced around the area before hiding in an alley way. Quickly, Verna stripped from her soldier’s uniform; she wore some normal clothes underneath. Then, she took out her bag; the old lady swapped her purse out with something more apt for travel. Her hands dug through it as she searched for her jacket. Finding it she pulled it out. She looked back in her bag and froze. Her camera wasn’t in there.

                “Wh-Where is it!?” Verna squeaked. Her face was heating up as she believed she lost her camera – something that happened when she thought she forgot her homework when she was in school. “Oh no, no, no, no!”

                She shook her head rapidly. She was sure she brought it on the ship. Her eyes widened as she realized something fell to the floor when Heidegger grabbed a hold of her. It must have been her camera.

                Verna’s hands shook as she took a hold of her phone. Quickly, she dialed the number of her boss. It rang a few times before someone picked up.

                “Hello?” It wasn’t her boss.

                “Yes, um…Who am I speaking to?” Verna asked hesitant to who answered the phone.

                “My name is Tseng,” A male’s voice sounded. “Am I safe in assuming that this is Verna Alm? Or should I say Elizabeth Lane.”

                Verna’s eyes widened and she quickly hung up her phone. Did her boss not escape on time? No, she was sure he’d be out by today and Heidegger only mentioned that they just found them. Then, why was Tseng there? Did Rufus know about their location before then? Or can they really dispatch that quickly?

                Verna jumped when her phone rang. She looked at it. It was an unknown number. Against her better judgment she answered her phone.

                “Verna!” It was a cheery voice, one that she was familiar with.

                “Boss!?” Verna sighed in relief and leaned against the alley wall. “I thought you were caught! Shiva!”

                “Caught?” Her boss laughed, “I left yesterday. Did you call the office or something?”

                “Yeah,” Verna nodded her head, even if he couldn’t see it. “A guy named Tseng answered. Listen, I have some bad news.”

                “What is it?” He grew quiet.

                “I was on the ship and they had me watch over Rufus and Heidegger. Sephiroth was on board and that set off the alarm. Heidegger panicked and began to shake me. They saw my face, boss.”

                “Well if they just saw your face you’ll just need to be careful with showing it! It doesn’t mean they know who you are.”

                “And they have my camera and they apparently know my name.”

                “Oh…” Her boss was silent for a moment or two. “We’ll figure something out.  I’ll send you a fake ID with a different name, but in the meantime just lay low and try to uncover any news stories that you can.”

                “Alright,” Verna held her phone to her ear with her shoulder as she stuffed her previous uniform in her bag. “Any ideas of where I should go?”

                Her boss was silent for a moment as he thought. He suddenly spoke, “Just go to the Golden Saucer for now. It’s just past Corel, an old mining town. Just goof around there, work on your chapters and if anything pops up write about it. Otherwise, just wait for the ID to show up. I’ll make reservations for you at their hotel.”

                “Okay,” Verna nodded and walked out of the alley way. “How do I get there? And don’t say you have a tourist bus!”

                The boss laughed, “There’s a train that runs from Costa del Sol and Corel. When you get Corel you’ll just take the gondola there.”


I’m getting bored with these chapters! Come on chapter 12! >_< I think I’ll add a bit of her past in and Rufus will start being in these more, I swear! Just in time. *grinds teeth* Rocket Town cannot get here fast enough…*going insane*

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