Chapter 22

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                “Is everything packed?” Rufus glanced over at her. Verna nodded hesitantly. Why he was having her come was beyond her. Did he still not trust her? “Let’s go.”

                “Why are you having me go with you, Rufus?” Verna asked quietly as they walked out of his mansion and into a car. “I won’t run away. It’s not like I’m desperate to escape. Besides, I’m getting some good news stories by staying here.”

                “Isn’t it obvious?” Rufus smirked smugly as he watched her confused expression. “You really are clueless, aren’t you?”

                “What do you mean!?” Verna crossed her arms and huffed as she leaned against the car’s window. “I’m a rather cultured and intelligent human being. Are you saying my intellect is lower than what I claim it is?”

                “You’re clueless when it comes to emotions of others,” Rufus stated simply.

                “Not negative emotions,” Verna rolled her eyes. “I think I pick up on those rather well. Positive emotions, I don’t.”

                “Then, can you connect the two to what I said?” Rufus rested his chin on the palm of his hand as the driver took off towards the out parts of Midgar. He changed the topic quickly; he’d give Verna time to ponder on it later. “Here’s a fan to hide your face. Heidegger and Scarlet could very well manage to get onto the airship.”

                Verna groaned, “Fantastic.” She examined the fan, “Did it come from Wutai?”

                “That it did,” Rufus nodded.

                The two fell into small chit chat until arrival of the airship.

“Stay close to me,” Rufus whispered to Verna.

                Verna fanned herself to hide her face. If Heidegger spotted her things would get messy. She still had a feeling that Scarlet would recognize her should they come into contact. Verna glanced around nervously. She really needed to learn how to use her Materia in case they approached her.

                “Hey Rufus?” Verna questioned quietly. “Would it be okay if I wrote a news story about my time on this ship and I take a picture of Heidegger just to antagonize him?”

                Rufus smirked, “That would be fun.”

                “So I can?”

                “I didn’t say you couldn’t. Besides, by the time the article is published we’ll be long gone,” Rufus walked towards the command room. He tensed slightly at seeing Scarlet and Heidegger there already. He muttered, “Damn.”

                Verna looked out from behind her and quickly held the fan closer to her face. She had to hold herself back from holding onto his jacket. Heidegger and Scarlet turned around to greet their President. Scarlet narrowed her eyes at Verna. She knew that it was her, no doubt about it.

                “I surprised you brought the little tramp back, Rufus,” Scarlet laughed half-heartedly.

                Rufus clenched his fists. Verna watched as his shoulders shook in anger. He didn’t have to take it so personally. It’s not like the verbal assault was directed towards him.

                “She did get the better of you, Scarlet. I see you still have a hideous black eye,” Rufus retorted. “Besides, if you really want to keep your job you better keep your mouth shut. I could always just give it to her. I am the president after all.”

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