Chapter 27

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                A man stood outside. He was leaning against a brick wall that appeared to lead into an ally way. It appeared to be a shady place. He was the mark that indicated that she was at the right place. Verna gulped and walked up to him.

                “Heads I’m a Turk and you’re the doctor, tails I’m the doctor and you’re the Turk. Sound fair, babe?” He spoke calmly as he flipped and caught the coin. He then slammed it onto the top of his hand.

                Verna leaned in curiously. If she was the doctor she could wear a medical mask to hide her face. It was heads. She silently cheered as the man sighed to himself. He motioned for her to follow her into the ally way. They appeared in front of the door. The man opened the door and ushered Verna inside.

                Cigarette smoke filled the air – a health hazard in her mind. Another man was polishing a glass as a few men were playing cards. He placed a box onto the counter which caused the men playing cards to glance up.

                One of the men with cards placed them down and he adjusted his hat. He grinned up at Verna and was followed by a taller man with sunglasses – it was Reno and Rude. Rude took out some bills and threw it onto the table that they were playing cards at, they must have lost. The men continued playing cards and drank liquor as they did so.

                “Hey, Verna,” Reno spoke as he grabbed the box and walked down stairs.  “Come on.”

                Reno, Rude, Verna and the guy tossing the coin walked down a hidden stair case. At the bottom they came to a hallway. Reno knocked on a door. It opened with Elena behind the door she grinned, but flung to the side.

                “Woah!” Reno ducked as a knife hit the wall behind him.

                Verna watched wide eye. She slowly glanced at the knife that wasn’t even a half a foot in front of her. Gulping she watched as a woman walked out and took the knife from out of the wall. She glanced back at Verna and rolled her eyes before she walked back in.

                “Shiva, Knife!” Reno shouted at her as he walked in and dropped the box onto the ground. “What was that for?”

                “The dart board is on the door,” She replied simply as she played with a few knives in her hand. “The door opened when I threw it.” She glanced up, “Now don’t hang out in the hallway, get in here, you lot!”

                The remaining three walked into the room cautiously. Verna looked around. So this was the hide out for the Turks? It wasn’t bad. It was fairly spacious. There weapons everywhere, which caused Verna to question exactly what goes on in here.

                “Legend, who’s wearing what?” Elena questioned as she took out some clothes from the box.

                “I’m going as a Turk,” He sighed. “Can’t even wear a disguise, I’m just going as my regular self. Verna’s going as a doctor.”

                Verna walked over to the box and examined the clothes, “You don’t by chance have a medical mask in there?”

                “Right here!” Elena threw her one. “You can get dressed in the bathroom.”

                “Thanks,” Verna smiled at the blonde Turk and grabbed her clothes before changing.

                She glanced down at the name tag that was already on the uniform. Verna smirked ever so slightly. Samantha Hertson was printed on the name tag. So Rufus was the one who set up the uniform, how very amusing.

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