Chapter 26

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The blinds were open when she slipped into the room. She looked away from the horrific sight. She looked away from the calamity falling from the sky. They didn’t have that much time, but they were going everything they could to prevent. Verna only hoped that they had just enough time to stop Meteor.

                “Are you feeling alright, Tifa?” Verna questioned as she played with the key in her pocket. “You were out for a long time. People were starting to get worried.”

                Tifa turned around quickly from Verna’s voice. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. Verna was still wearing her disguise. She couldn’t remove it either. Scarlet or Heidegger would come in soon to retrieve the prisoners. Today was the execution.

                “Who are you?” Tifa questioned.

                Barrett looked over, “It’s Verna.” He glanced at Verna, “I still don’t understand why you haven’t gotten us out if you don’t work with the Shin-Ra.”

                Verna smiled slightly, “You’ll be getting out today and hopefully it’ll stay that way.” Her eyes darted towards the door that opened. She stiffened her back and saluted, “Sir!”

                “At ease, soldier,” Rufus stated in a monotone voice. He glanced over at Tifa and Barrett and then at the window. “Meteor will hit soon. The people are growing restless. You do realize what that means, don’t you? Someone has to take the blame for it.”

                Barrett growled, “It’s all because of you and your damn company!”

                “You’re the ones who gave Sephiroth the Black Materia,” Rufus replied simply. “Therefore, you must be the ones who are going to be executed today. Tie them up.”

                Barrett ran forward about to hit Rufus. Verna leapt in his way and held him back. She struggled to get his hands behind his back before she bound his wrists. Tifa didn’t resist at all, a dead look was in her eyes. Verna frowned and began to lead them out.

                “Trust me, Barrett,” Verna whispered to him. “Everything will be fine.”

                Barrett ignored her as he kept on walking. Resistance was futile. Rufus stayed behind to keep an eye on Heidegger. Any interference could put the mission in jeopardy. In turn that could result in the death of Tifa and Barrett.

                When they entered the execution press room cameras began to flash. Verna winced at the bright lights, but kept on walking. She stopped when she was next to Scarlet who let out a laugh. She was enjoying this a little too much. The sadistic bitch.

                “Today we will see the fall of the terrorist organization known as AVALANCHE!”

                In Verna’s mind the newspaper story ran. She figured out what she would write.

                Shin-Ra Electric Power Company deemed the organization known as AVALANCHE to be terrorists. AVALANCHE fought to protect Gaia after evidence that showed that using the lifestream as an energy source killed the planet. The agents of Gaia were now being damned to execution.

                Shin-Ra claimed that not only were their “terrorist” acts heinous, but they claimed that they were the ones responsible for Meteor and the recent attacks of WEAPON. Through further digging, I came to find evidence that showed that Shin-Ra Electric Power Company was the one responsible for these catastrophic events.

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