Chapter 24

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            Verna walked into the control panel. She was disguised in her soldier’s uniform. “Jane” was still feeling sick and didn’t want to come out of Rufus’s room, much to Scarlet’s displeasure. Verna watched as Scarlet leaned against the railing. She pressed her breasts together to try and get the attention of the crew. It went unnoticed by most. Heidegger, on the other hand, kept his distance from Rufus who was near the railing – away from Scarlet.

            “So, I finally found you,” Rufus whispered to himself.

            Scarlet let out a sudden burst of high pitched laughter. Verna winced, neither of the managers had pleasant laughs. They were scratchy. She had to resist from holding her hands over her ears.

            “This is incredible!” Scarlet looked eager. A malicious glint crossed her face.

            Heidegger contributed to the horrid laughing fest as he spoke, “This is the Promised Land the President had been searching for!”

            Rufus narrowed his eyes as he turned around to face his two managers, “But, I’ll be the one who gets it.” He turned back around and moved some hair out of his face, “Sorry, old man.”

            He gripped onto the railing. Yes, this could very well be the only thing that would stop Sephiroth from destroying the planet. He could really care less about the seemingly limitless mako energy that this place could provide. He just wanted to ensure the planet’s safety and those that resided on it.

            Verna turned back at the sound of yet another laugh, though this was muffled behind a hand. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of Professor Hojo. She already despised this man. She glanced at Rude who appeared uncomfortable in his presence as well.

            “That land is no one’s,” Hojo started. Verna had half the mind to slug him, but she restrained herself – she’d do that later. “It’s where the Reunion will take place…They will all gather here…”            Rude turned around, not wanting to hear Hojo, but he continued. “I wonder if we’ll see…Sephiroth?”

            Verna perked her head. It’s been awhile since she’d actually had him in her news articles. If he was there, well, things would get messy. She decided it’d be better that he wasn’t there. She prayed to Shiva, Odin, anyone that he wouldn’t be there to destroy the planet.

            She was snapped out of her prayer and followed Scarlet, and Rufus from the airship and into the crater. A cave was there.

            She stood there breathless. Her eyes were looking around the area. It was beautiful. The crystals were filled with mako energy. She felt the materia in her arm burn slightly, but she didn’t pay too much attention. She quickly took a picture with her hidden camera. It might not go in the newspaper, but she wanted it to remember this moment.

            “Mr. President…” Verna looked over at a nervous looking Scarlet, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this place.”

            Rufus glanced over at Verna who shrugged, “Hmm…Maybe we should go back to our ship now. We need to prepare for inspection anyway.”

            A sudden wind and bright light filled the area. Verna screamed out of shock and covered her eyes. It disappeared as soon as it came. She removed her hands to see three new people; Cloud, Tifa, and Barrett.

            “Hey!” Scarlet took a step forward, “Where did you come from?”

            Verna glanced at Cloud who lifted his head, “Don’t know.” He shook his head and looked over at Rufus, “This place is going to get rough. Better leave things to me and get out of here while you still can!”

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