Chapter 4

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                “Get back on the bus by 8 in the morning tomorrow, alright?” the bus driver warned everyone as they left to explore the small town of Kalm.

                Multiple tourists were already taking pictures of seemingly nothing. The town was interesting in the slightest – at least in Verna’s opinion. Sighing, she got off the bus and clutched her purse to her side. Yuffie stumbled off the bus after her. She looked back at the girl and smiled softly. Yuffie still looked pale. Why did she go on this bus if she had an issue with motion sickness?

                “You feeling alright?” Verna crossed her arms to the young ninja.

                “Just fine…” She sighed as she stomped her feet.

                “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat.”

                “I don’t want to eat, now, though!”

                “You’re not on the bus and you need to eat to keep your strength up,” Verna grabbed the ninja’s arm and drug her to the local pub there. “I’ll pay if it’ll get you to eat.”

                “Won’t reject free food,” Yuffie now walked by herself in a rather cheerful manner. Verna had to roll her eyes; she was starting to regret offering her food. She had no idea what kind of appetite the girl had.

                “You’re only getting one serving of food and it better not be the most expensive thing on the menu,” Verna warned the girl.

                “I’ll order what I want,” Yuffie stuck her tongue out at her.

                “If you order a reasonably priced meal and only one meal, I will go ahead and buy you a Materia.”

                Yuffie ran in front of her and stopped, “You better not be kidding!”

                “Now why would I kid about something like that?” Verna smirked to herself. “I think I’m correct in that one Materia would be cheaper than spending money on food for you. Am I right?”

                “You have a point! But I want some good Materia, not an All Materia! Something like Ice, or Lightning, oh!” She nodded swiftly, “Fire Materia! I want some Fire Materia!”

                “Alright,” Verna sighed. This girl was simply exhausting.

                Her mind began to wander, as did her eyes, while Yuffie endlessly yapped. Her eyes landed on something dark moving in the shadows. She knitted her eyebrows together. She strayed from Yuffie’s side and ran to where she saw the shadow. It was something large. Could it be?

                “No way,” Her excitement was growing. The shadow moved around a corner. Her feet moved faster as she swung around the corner, a wide grin was on her face.

                The shadow was fast, but Verna kept her eyes on it. Her legs carried her fast as the shadow rounded another corner. Arriving at the corner, Verna stopped running as she walked into the alley way. Then, she frowned. There was no shadowy figure in the alley way. Her hand dropped from the purse she was clutching to her side. At best she was disappointed. Verna honestly thought she saw something in the alley way. No, she was positive she saw something.

                Narrowing her eyes, the girl walked further into the alley way and glanced around. She didn’t see anything, and she was at a dead end. There weren’t any fire escapes to use to escape, so that possibility was out.

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