Chapter 12

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            Her eyes glanced for anything she could use to help AVALANCHE. They’ve helped her in the past and she needed to repay her debt. A small smirk formed on her face as she ran towards what would help her. She swung a door open and climbed into the driver’s seat. The keys were in, much to her relief.

            Verna shifted into gear and slammed her foot on the gas pedal. Her eyes shut tightly as she heard a thump hit against the semi. Upon opening her eyes, she saw the man that Cloud was fighting lying on the ground unconscious.

            However, she hadn’t the time to keep looking at the fatter man. The sound of a plane running filled her ears. She looked over seeing Cloud and the other two members jump on the moving vehicle. The plane took off.

            Getting out of the truck, Verna watched the plane fly. Something suddenly went wrong. Gun shots went off. Smoke erupted from the plane as the tail was hit. It went crashing down. Her hands shot to her mouth as the plane disappeared over the horizon. She couldn’t help but wonder if they were alright.

            Verna began to run in the direction where the plane went down. Though, she stopped in her tracks as her cellphone began to ring. Glancing down at her pocket, Verna took her cellphone out. She titled her head as she examined the number. It wasn’t a familiar one. Perhaps her uncle changed his number again.

            “Hello?” Verna questioned. There was a silence. “Is this you uncle?”

            “I would hardly call me your uncle,” Verna froze at the chilly smooth voice.

            Verna moved her cellphone away from her face. Her head turned to the side slowly as she met eye contact with cold blue eyes. His eyes held a sense of a frozen wall that was melting away with a fire full of rage.

            Verna gulped and she began to run away, but was stopped with an infantryman stepped in front of her. Her head whipped to the side quickly as she looked for another escape. They were closing in on her. Verna pulled out a gun and pointed it at the men. They backed off ever so slightly, but not completely. It was obvious she never used it before.

            “Perhaps you can kill one or maybe two of my men if you’re lucky,” Rufus spoke. “But you can’t kill them all with that pathetic excuse of a weapon.” He moved some of his blonde hair out of his face with a hand. “You can’t escape.”

            “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Verna said just above a whisper. She was scared out of her mind. She cleared her throat as she spoke louder. “I have a summoning Materia with me. It’s something that one of your managers failed to pick up at the broken reactor in Gongaga.”

            “Summoning Materia?” Rufus narrowed his eyes. “I’d like to see you try to use it. I doubt you have any idea of how to use it. If you did you would have used it already. Now stand down.”

            Sweat began to trickle down her face. Bending down, Verna placed the gun on the ground and raised her hands in the air showing that she surrendered. Fighting would be futile, and she knew it.

            “Take her!” Rufus snapped at his men. His temper was starting to flare as his cool exterior crumbled.

            “Where, sir?” One of the soldiers questioned the President.

            Rufus sent a death glare over at the soldier. Storming over, Rufus not so gently took grasp of Verna’s arm and drug her over to a helicopter that was waiting in Rocket Town. Everyone backed away as they sensed his mood. If he didn’t have such a strong grasp of his emotions he most likely would kill anyone of them at the drop of a hat.

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