Explaination (Vance)

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As we pulled into the Wilson's driveway, Jeremy asked "Do either of you guys wanna tell me what's going on?" 

Vince said " Yeah, we'll explain, but let's get inside first." Jeremy nodded as we got out of his car and went into his house.

 A few minutes later, we were all sitting in Jeremy's bedroom with the door and windows shut and locked as we explained to Jeremy everything we knew that had happened to us within the past hour and five minutes.

"Wow, was a blown away response from our black haired friend as he fell back into his swivel chair. 

I nodded empathetically. "That's what I thought when we were brought into the Pentro Labs HQ", was my reply. 

Vince went over to Jeremy's desktop and started it up. "Whatcha doin', Vince?" Jeremy asked. "Looking up whatever it is I can find about the place that kidnapped us, man", was his response.

 We took notes on the lab's main website, even though it didn't have much. Apparently it came from the state of West Virginia.

Anyway, we decided to check on the news website to see if we could find anything, and we didn't find much. So we decided to call it the day, as Vince and I slept in Jeremy's room.

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