The upcoming dance (Jeremy)

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The next morning at school, lots of students were crowding around a bulletin board.

 As I pushed through the students, I noticed that the other students were looking at a poster that talked about an upcoming Valentine's Day dance that would be held on the basketball court.

And Valentine's Day was tomorrow, so not only did I find out on short notice, I didn't know as to who I'd bring to the dance.

I took a photo of the poster and sent it to the Acton brothers. Gerard and his friends walked into the school. Gerard was looking healthier now that he was out of the hospital.

We called Gerard and his friends over and decided that we would think of girls that each of us would like to take to the dance.

The main thing that most of us were thinking about was the food that would be brought to the dance, instead of the dance itself.

After all, Vince, Vance, and I were only going because of the food. Then after we take lots of the good stuff, we'll speed out of the auditorium and go back to my house to chow down.

Spencer spoke and said "Well, I'm gonna ask one of the cheerleaders to go with me. And I know just the girl."

The five of us looked at Spencer and asked him who he was gonna ask to the dance. He said he wasn't going to waste time dancing and would use the time to eat.

Finally, someone else who understands the real concept of going to dances. The food is really the only thing important about going to a dance.

We thought it would be a good idea. After all, my sister Vickie told me she's only going to the dance so she could enjoy the refreshments.

Nice to know that my sister has sense enough to eat and get more food instead of thinking of a stupid dance.

Gerard was going to ask his crush Jamie Harris to the dance, although it was 50/50 chance that she'd say yes or no because of her popularity.

Zack decided that he would go to the dance to get some food and would love after that. 

Zack and Spencer agreed with me, Vince, and Vance that all of us would only go to the dance to get almost all the food for ourselves.

We'd leave a bag of Taki chips left and would get all the rest. Later that day, Gerard asked Jamie to go with him to the dance.

We were all listening behind one of the doors that led to the football field. "Sure, Gerard, I'd like to go dance with you", Jamie said, gushing over Gerard.

Gerard smoothed back gus blonde hair as he answered "Thanks, Jaime. And don't worry because you'll have a good time."

Gerard headed in our direction, and as soon as he passed the door, we grabbed him and told him that we heard the news.

Gerard smiled and said "Well, with my blonde hair and chestnut eyes, girls can't help but beg to go out with me." 

Spencer rolled his eyes and said "Well then, Gerard, doncha know how to dance? Is it Russian roulette?" He smirked and started laughing along with the rest of us.

Gerard mimicked us laughing and retorted "Of course I do! You think I would ask a girl out to a dance without knowing how ro dance in the first place? I'm sixteen, not five years old!" 

All of us stopped laughing because we were surprised that he knew how. 

As we headed back to class, the food at the dance was on my mind for most of the day. Good thing the dance was tomorrow on Valentine's day.

I wonder if cookies will be there, because the guys and I are gonna nab 'em.

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