The hidden formula (Jeremy)

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Vance told Vince and I that we could hide the formula in a old chest. So as I flew and as the Acton brothers flamed their way over to their house, we went into Vance's room and he took out a key.

The chest had a keyhole in it, so Vance unlocked the chest and opened it. It had some clothes and other childhood treasures. 

Vance first wrapped the syringe up in some old clothes before he put it in the chest, closed it up, and locked it.

I admit, it was a good place to hide it. "But what if your parents come in and open the chest, Vance?" I asked, a little unsure about this.

Vance smirked and with a shrug, he answered, "Don't worry about it, Jeremy. There aren't any other keys to this chest. My key is the only one. Plus, if I just so happen to loose it, I can use my super strength to bust it open."

Vince and I nodded. Leave it to muscle man Vance to save the day. As I flew back home, something on the road caught my eye.

Flying to a tree and hiding in the branches, I looked down and saw a guy wearing a black and orange varsity jacket with a badger face on the back.

Those are the same colors that my school football team has, and apparently, this guy was here at the park.

I looked around for some security cars but didn't see any. Why would there be any security cars or vans when there are hidden cameras everywhere? 

Anyway, he was on his phone texting someone. 

Quickly and quietly, I took out my phone and zoomed in as much as I could and snapped a photo. 

The guy was a blonde, and his hair was longer than mine. It was none other than Jacob Penson, the star quarterback for our school football team.

And with the photo I had taken, he was texting his friend Steve Hubert. Steve was Mr.Hubert's son.

I took out my binoculars and read the Jacob's text message to Steve. He was  telling him to make sure he brought the sodas tonight.

Evidently, they were going to a party, and were bringing sodas along to share with the popular students at school.

Which meant that Vince, Vance, and I were obviously not invited. Not that I even care about going to some lame party, but I'd like to get invited to one just once.

Besides this, when Jacob walked away, and went over to the crosswalk at the park, a white van sped over from under some trees.

The back doors opened up, and before Jacob could understand what was happening, some black gloved hands grabbed him, and hauled him into the back of the van as it sped off.

I quickly called the police and told them what happened. I then hung up, and flew back home. I was gonna let the Acton brothers in on what just happened.

It was the first time I've been the only witness to a kidnapping.

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