Chapter Fifteen: Suitcase

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"Oh, hey Chance." My dad exclaimed, greeting him right in the hallway connected to dining room. "Long time: no see. What have you been up to?"

Chance stopped laughing, running his hand through his hair, "Nothing much, Mr. Brady."

He turned to look at me, revealing smushed fries through his hair. I started laughing again, almost dropping the box containing our food.

"What?" He asked, his eyebrows shifting. "What're you laughing about?"

I fixed the box, pulling the sides back out for it had squished when I laughed, "Nothing, it's just.. You have our food all through your hair."

My dad looked and saw the mushed fries and started laughing himself, "You look ridiculous."

"Hey Dad. Chance is gonna sleep here tonight. Is it fine if he takes the guest bedroom?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible.

He didn't even think about it before he said, "Of course, you are always welcome to that room." He was facing Chance now, he reached his hand out to place onto his shoulder, and smile.

Chance smiled, I think he was now reminded of why he had asked to stay here, his smile slowly faded away and turned into his well-known fake smile. At least to me it is.

"Thank you Mr. Brady. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you guys." He said, twiddling his thumbs with one another.

My dad smiled, his face holding pride, for he knew Chance always spoke his mind truthfully. "Well what's ours is yours, don't be afraid to help yourself to anything. I could even go get some clothes from your place if you need it."

I looked over at Chance, he smiled a little but his head was down so that I would be the only one to see it. I smiled too, for we were the only ones who knew about a little suitcase underneath my bed. He is always having problems at home, so I decided he better keep some stuff here so he wouldn't have to go back into the ruckus in case it got really bad.

"That's fine, I have some clothes in my trunk." He said, trying to keep a straight face. He is good at that stuff, nobody could tell he was lying when he was. Well, except for me.

My dad looked surprised, his eyebrows shot up, "Oh, well I guess you are as smart as Khloe says."

I smiled, laughing nervously. "Well, I mean .. Dad" I said, reaching a tone that basically telling him to shut up, "I think we all know how smart he is, even if I am ahead of him in math now."

Chance turned to look at me, smacking my shoulder, "Oh shut up."

I stared an evil stare, but when he smiled, I couldn't help but start to laugh too.

"Well, you two" my dad said, "We're going to get some food but it looks like you already have some. Don't burn down the house, we'll be back in about an hour."

With that, he walked towards the door, the rest of my family running after him, even my mom.

"I think I'm going to eat all your fries now." I said as I took a few and put them in my mouth.

His jaw dropped, "How dare you? I'm going to take a big bite of your burger then."

He grabbed my lettuce stuffed burger from the box and took a huge bite. He looked up at me and saw that I was a little mad, then stuck his tongue out and licked the whole top of it also.

"There you go," he put it back in the box, "It's perfect now."

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