Chapter 51

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TW- Swearing.

It took Sheamus a few minutes to convince Drew to not say anything to anyone and to wait outside his room while we got dressed. As soon as the door closed behind Drew, I bolted around the room in search of all my clothes and got dressed. After packing my bag up, I turned to Sheamus, "Ba chóir dom dul."("I should go.") I said. He nodded and I headed for the door but not before saying, "Níl aiféala orm aréir. Chun a bheith ar eolas agat."("I don't regret last night. Just so you know.") I stated with a smirk, winking at him and with that I left his room.

Avoiding eye contact with Drew on my way out, I made it back to my room. Upon entry I was greeted by Tyra running at me and pulling me into a hug while Bianca gave me a knowing look. I returned her look with my own, silently saying I'd tell her later. She nodded and said she'd see us later, we all said our goodbyes and I walked Bianca out. "Right, what we thinking for breakfast?" I asked Tyra, she thought for a few moments and said she was happy with whatever the hotel had to offer so that's what we did. We put on shoes and I put on a jacket to cover my neck a little more before I grabbed my phone and the room keycard then we headed downstairs to the hotel restaurant.

When we got down there, a lot of the wrestlers that I don't exactly know well if at all gave me weird looks as Tyra and I walk in but it doesn't bother me. At the end of the day, it's none of their business. Liv waves us over to sit with her and Raquel so we walk over, Tyra greets Liv with a hug and I introduce her to Raquel. We go grab some food and sit at their table, talking while we eat.

Liv asked what we were doing today and both Tyra and I had no idea but Tyra asked - if they weren't too busy - if she could spend some time with Liv and to get to know Raquel better; They both said they weren't busy, that they were only planned on going to the gym this morning. We came to an agreement, that me and Tyra would meet them at the hotel gym after we got changed. So after eating, we all headed up to change. I had to let Tyra borrow some workout clothes which was just a plain pair of black yoga pants and a sports bra because she wanted to wear one of my merch shirts but I was okay with that. Once I had changed into...

I grabbed a couple of hand towels, put them into my sports bag to take down with us and made sure I had my phone and room keycard, we headed back downstairs to the hotel gym

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I grabbed a couple of hand towels, put them into my sports bag to take down with us and made sure I had my phone and room keycard, we headed back downstairs to the hotel gym. We met Bianca on the way down so came with us. As we entered, Tyra found Liv and Raquel almost immediately and went to join her. Me on the other hand, was dragged to an empty part of the gym by Bianca. She crossed her arms across her chest with a raised brow and asked, "So what happened last night?" I tried to play it of as not know what she was on about but she saw through it. "Don't play dumb with me Payton. Whats going on with you and Sheamus?" She questioned quietly, I sighed but replied. "After my match or after we got back here?" I asked to which she said both.

I explained that Sheamus and I have been put in a storyline together and that "stuff" happened last night. She looked at me confused, "I'm almost afraid to ask but what 'stuff' Pay." I groaned and leaned close to her ear, "We slept together." I whispered so only she could hear me and pulled back. "Wait. What!!" She asked looking a little surprised, "Yeah twice last night and again this morning." I reply cringing just a bit. "Does anyone else know?" I nod, "Yeah Drew does, he called Sheamus asking if he wanted to workout and ya know, things happened. Turns out we took longer than expected and Drew came knocking, he barged in and saw me still in bed." Bianca nodded and dropped the subject.

We workout together and spotted each other as Tyra was occupied with Liv and Raquel. After a couple hours or so, Tyra came up to me and asked if she could hang out with Liv and Raquel in their hotel room for a bit and I agreed. I gave her the spare keycard to our room and she was on her way. I kept working out with Bianca for a little longer when Sheamus and Drew entered the room, "Why hello there little lass." Drew called out as he saw me from across the room as they made their way over and you could clearly hear the smirk he wore on his face.

I took a deep breath before I turned to look at them, "Hey Sheamus. Drew." I said. Bianca eyed Sheamus's neck and smirked at me before walking away saying, "Have fun but not too much fun." I groaned in response and Drew laughed, "So what brings you here?" He asked. I looked up at him, "To workout. Duh." I said with no emotion in my voice, trying not to laugh when I saw Sheamus holding back a chuckle. "Well then, why don't we make this more interesting then." He stated, I shrugged in reponse. "Why not, what did you have in mind?" I asked.

He proceeded to explain his challenge which was a test of strength in the form of a bench press where each person has to lift the bar up once each with 25lb getting added before every lift, I smirked and accepted. We made our way over to the bench press and Sheamus set up the starting weight which was 25lb. Obviously we both found it easy in the beginning but as the weight slowly increased, Drew started to struggle. The weight was currently at 400lb and we both crushed it but Drew's form was floundering, I know he can bench 375 for like ten reps but if he pushed himself to hard, he would cause a serious injury. So when Sheamus added another 25lb, I spotted Drew. As he went to push up to complete the lift, I noticed his left arm begin to falter. He managed to get the full lift but before he could rack the bar, his arm buckled; I grabbed the bar with one hand and lifted it off of him, allowing him to recover.

"Alright, that's enough." I said as racked the bar. Both men staring at me in shock and awe, "What?" I asked when I saw their faces. "You just saved me... From serious injury by grabbing that bar. A bar that weighed 425lb with one... ONE fucking hand and lifting it like it was nothing. And all you can say is WHAT!" Drew rambles, astonished by my actions. "Yeeeah, I'm a lot stronger than I look Drew. Plus, I can lift a hell of lot heavier then that." I said pointing to the weighted bar he just benched.

Neither men believed me so I loaded the bar up to total about 1000lbs of weight - the weight of the bar included - and lay under it. Making sure my grip was good, I lifted it from the rack and benched it for about 20 reps before reracking it. I sat up and again, both men looked beyond shocked. I chuckled and stood up, "The actual fuck just happened." they both said simultaneously. I looked up at Sheamus, "Míneoidh mé níos déanaí. Caithfidh mé a rá le Tyra ar aon nós."(I'll explain later. I need to tell Tyra anyway.") I said to which he nodded.

I grabbed my bag and walked out, heading upstairs to my room. Once inside, I took a shower and changed into some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. I sat on my bed and watched TV until Tyra came back just after lunch, saying that Raquel went out and got them lunch so I ordered some room service. I told Tyra that after dinner me, her and Sheamus would be going out somewhere and that I had something to tell them both as well as something to show them.

I texted Sheamus the same thing and he replied saying to let him know when and he'd come to our room.

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