Chapter 1

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Men sucked 

Well most of them did at least, I learned this pretty early on in my life because of the career path I happen to choose and fall in love with.

It was and still is a heavily male-dominated field so I had to quite literally work my ass off, I fought tooth and nail to get to the position I am in today and it wouldn't be an understatement to say I was damn good at my job.

However, despite my hard work and accomplishments, I couldn't help but beat the sexism and discrimination that still existed. Men would often talk over me in meetings or dismiss my ideas without a second thought, assuming that their opinions were more valuable simply because I was seen as a fragile young girl.

I also experienced harassment and inappropriate behaviour from male colleagues, ranging from lewd comments to unwanted advances. It was exhausting and demoralizing to constantly have to defend my worth and prove myself but there was no other job out there that piqued my interest.

I'm practically Fury's right hand, he and Coulson gave me the knowledge and wisdom to become the agent I am today and I was always going to be grateful for that. 

I stopped running to take a breath, I rested my hands on my knees steadying myself as I took rapid breaths.

I stared off at the colourful sky, the sun barely rising casting a golden glow on the city skyline, bringing to life the towering buildings and bustling streets. 

The city's usual chaos and noise were temporarily replaced by a calm stillness, interrupted only by the occasional sound of a car. As the city wakes up to a new day, it's as if the sunrise offers a moment of reflection and pause before the hustle and bustle of daily life takes over. 

I took one final look at the sight in front of me before stretching a little on the spot and preparing myself to run back to headquarters.

I made my way to my room greeting anyone in my way, not many people were awake at this time of day. 

Admittedly it was sort of lame, I slept where I worked but in my defence work was my whole life so it only made sense, I didn't let it upset me that work was my whole life instead I opted to take a more positive approach, as a Shield agent, there was no room for half-hearted efforts or second thoughts. It was all or nothing, and I was proud to be all in.

Nobody would ever have anything meaningful to use against me, it made it easier to do such a risky job with no hesitation. I liked finding myself in the belly of the beast.

I took a quick shower and changed into my uniform a dark, navy-blue form-fitting jumpsuit made from a lightweight yet durable material.

The chest and back of the jumpsuit were emblazoned with the familiar shield emblem and additional insignias were also present to signify rank or specialization, my silver star for being a high-ranking agent and my red stripe for being trained in combat.

I made my way to Fury's office before going down to my first task of the day, an interrogation.

I knocked on the door before waiting for a couple of seconds and walking in.

I noticed two other familiar men standing in Fury's big office opposite his seated position. 

"Agent 19 I would like you to meet Mr Rogers and Mr Wilson" Fury spoke. I made my way over to the two men holding my hand out to shake their outstretched hands "y/n l/n" I spoke keeping my tone firm. 

"They will be joining you in your interrogation today" Fury said and I immediately turned to face him getting ready to protest "No they will not" I said disapprovingly with no hesitation

Fury raised his eyebrows, he already knew this was coming he just didn't think I'd be so firm with it, I could hear one of the men clearing his throat in the background, but I didn't let it distract me. I had to make my point clear and not give in to any unnecessary pressure.

To maintain professionalism, I added a firm "sir" at the end of my statement, acknowledging Fury's authority but making it clear that I was not okay with his decision

"It is not up for discussion, hydra has finally come back out of their shadows and we need to take this seriously" he spoke arguing back "This was my mistake and I can and will deal with it, it's not my first day on the job" I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. I knew that I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me in front of Captain America and The Falcon but the hurt and frustration in my voice was evident, even if they didn't recognize it.

I also knew I had to stand my ground and fight for my right to handle the interrogation alone. These were the moments that would define my worth as an agent, and I was determined to prove myself capable.

Fury's words still hung heavy in the air, and I could feel the weight of his disappointment in me. It was true, Hydra had been quiet for a long time, and we had become complacent. We had grown used to the relative peace and security we had established, and I had let my guard down.

"Sir, I understand the seriousness of the situation," I said, my voice steady "but I believe that I have the training and experience necessary to get the information we need by myself bringing in outsiders will only complicate things for now."

Fury regarded me for a moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he sighed heavily.

"Fine they will watch from the observation room but after this interrogation, any other information gathered or needing to be dealt with will be done with the help of these two gentlemen and anybody else I deem necessary" Fury reasoned

I gave a bitter "fine" as a response and stormed out of the room trying to ignore the looks of pity from Steve and Sam. I knew that I was capable of handling this situation on my own, but Fury's lack of faith in me stung.

In a way, he was correct on needing the involvement of the 'bigger' forces but I know I have to do this first thing on my own. I had to correct my mistake.

The two men stared at Fury with slight confusion as the man sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose and admitting slight defeat. 

"The man she's interrogating is an agent of Shield" Fury explained "he somehow managed to bypass all tests and background checks and was feeding information to Hydra" 

"Who was stupid enough to let that happen," Steve said and Fury gave him a stern look "She did" he replied he felt a sense of protectiveness over me but also knew that the mistake was a mistake after all.

"Now make no mistake there is no one and I mean no one in this country a more suitable candidate for her job, this is one of her very few mistakes and I best not hear anybody belittle her for it" he warned.

"She's already given herself enough grief" he finished leaning back in his chair.

"Of course not" Sam assured knowing full well neither man would question me on my decisions without getting a little insight into how I work first. 

"Now you two might want to make your way down to the observation room with the way she left I know she's going to harvest some good intel" he said and the two men nodded before leaving the office to find the agent.


new story !! it's basc a better version of conceited and covert 😝

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new story !! it's basc a better version of conceited and covert 😝

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