Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning tangled in the sheets, Steve's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist and our legs were intertwined. 

I got up slowly not wanting to wake him up and made my way into the bathroom to shower. I took a quick shower letting the hot water ease my muscles. 

I wrapped a towel around myself and made my way to my closet "Good morning" I said as I noticed Steve's now opened eyes following my every move.

He smiled at me, his gaze lingering on my figure as I rummaged through my closet. "Good morning," he replied, his voice still groggy with sleep.

I pulled out my uniform and quickly got dressed before sitting on the edge of the bed to put on my socks and shoes. Steve sat up and watched me, a small smile on his face.

"You know," he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "I could get used to waking up like this every morning."

I grinned at him, feeling a warmth spread through my chest "Me too," I replied, standing up and walking over to him. I leaned down to kiss him, and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap.

"Maybe at your place next time so you don't have to sneak out of here like a thief" I laughed resting my head on his chest.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, just holding each other, before reluctantly pulling away. "We should probably get going," Steve said, standing up and stretching. 

I nodded, following suit and stretching my arms above my head. "Yeah, we have our formal debrief," I said I blew him a kiss before leaving my room, he could sneak out after a bit.

I made my way to the big conference room where there already were quite a few agents, Sam, Fury, some government officials and Coulson. 

I immediately made my way over to Coulson hugging him and talking about how long it'd been since we'd seen each other.

As I caught up with Coulson, Fury called for the meeting to begin. We all took our seats around the large conference table, with Fury at the head.

"Good morning, everyone," Fury began, his one good eye scanning the room. "We have a lot to discuss today." 

Just as he was talking the door opened to a frantic-looking Steve "Sorry for being late I got caught up in some" he hesitated for a minute before finishing "Stuff" he took a seat next to Sam and I bit on my lip to prevent the smile that was making its way to my face. 

The meeting began as an agent started flicking through slides on the screen "So the information for the first base was obtained from Nathan Clark ex-shield employee by Agent 19" Fury spoke as an image of Nathan appeared on screen he nodded at me and I knew that was my cue.

"He provided coordinates for a base which myself, a couple of agents, Mr Wilson and Mr Rogers infiltrated" I spoke looking at Sam or Steve next as the screen changed to various images of the destroyed base.

There were people in the room taking notes occasionally for reports that the government would need, it was to ensure everything was being done by the books.

"From the base, we recovered a list of names of known Hydra associates and the club they were talking business" Steve spoke as the screen changed to an image of the club, the sheet of names was then passed around the room. 

"Agent 19 and I went undercover at the club to identify the names on the list and see what intel we could get" Sam spoke and the screen changed to an image of Alec at the club that was taken from my contacts. 

I looked at the image and gasped quietly, in the image you could see my reflection, more importantly the outfit I was wearing. "Agent 19 are you alright" Fury spoke and I tore my eyes away from the screen "Uh yeah" I said as I felt my cheeks heat up.

If I could see the reflection then that meant everyone else in the room could as well. 

I glanced at Sam who looked to be holding back a laugh and then at Steve who gave me his best attempt at a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and tried to regain my composure.

"Sorry about that,  it's just a bit uncomfortable to see me in that outfit in a room full of government officials," I said, trying to make light of the situation whilst remaining professional.

Fury nodded understandingly, "No need to apologize, Agent 19, but please continue" 

I nodded as the screen changed to a different picture of Alec "Alec Petrovich the first man on our list and the main guy, he was our recruiter" I spoke in a steady voice. 

"His house is where I obtained the flash drive that gave us the coordinates to the rest of the bases but he was deceased before we had a chance to bring him in for questioning" 

"You can see from his postpartum report he suffered a bullet to the chest which occurred at his house when he attacked Agent 19," Steve added, pointing to a report that was being displayed on the screen.

I scanned the room quickly making sure there were no disapprovals to how he went out and once I was satisfied with the response of the room I continued, "However, we are working towards getting to the head of operations."

"We are currently working on tracking them down and gathering more information about their operations," Sam spoke up, "and we will keep you all updated as we make progress."

There were murmurs of agreement from the government officials in the room, and Fury nodded in approval.

With that, the meeting was adjourned and the agents began to file out of the room. Along with the government officials congratulating us all on our success.

I let out a shaky breath I didn't know I was holding in as the room cleared.


are you not embarazzed this is really embarazzing 🤧

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are you not embarazzed this is really embarazzing 🤧

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