Chapter 12

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I walked into the club trying to let my ears adjust to the music. I walked into the changing room and put my coat in my locker. 

I looked into the mirror just like yesterday debating my outfit and heard a familiar voice in my ear "You look beautiful stop worrying" I could feel my cheeks heat up so I quickly looked away from the mirror and whispered a "thank you" instead.

I walked to the bar where to no surprise Dylan was mixing up drinks "Cassie how were classes" he said as I walked up and I remembered my lie "Oh you know same as always" 

"Where do you go?" he asked "Georgetown" I replied and he looked up at me surprised "No way me too" fuck.

"I've never seen you around campus," he said and I scrambled to come up with a lie "Oh you know it's a big campus our classes probably don't line up" I said and he nodded.

Dylan looked at me for a moment longer before shrugging and turning back to his work "Well, remind me to give you my number tonight we should hang out next time you're on campus," he said with a grin "I know all the best spots."

I smiled back, trying to play it cool "Sure, that sounds fun."

"Guy can't take a hint," Steve said and I surpressed my laugh.

Dylan grabbed a tray and began loading it with a bottle, some ice and glasses, I recognised the bottle as an expensive whiskey, Macallan 40. 

"Table 3 in premium" he said passing the tray onto me and I thanked him grabbing the tray.

I walked over to the men making sure to stare at them all individually so Steve could begin running their faces. 

"This is it, the guy in the black dress shirt with the blonde hair is Alec Petrovich he's the first man on our list" Steve said and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips. 

"The rest are Hydra associates as well, not names on the list so most likely not as important or not recruited fully yet" he continued "Alec is your main guy" Sam said this time confirming Steve's intel most likely because of something he heard. 

"Gentlemen" I smiled coming into view with my tray in hand. 

Alec looked at me eyes eagerly roaming my appearance as I approached the table, his gaze lingering on me for a moment too long. "What can we do for you, beautiful?" he asked, a smug grin on his face.

"I'm here to serve you gentlemen," I replied the forced smile never leaving my face setting down the tray I began pouring the whiskey into glasses and adding some ice.

As I poured, I discreetly scanned the table, taking note of the other Hydra associates present. One man caught my eye, his nervous energy and darting glances making him stand out from the rest. I made a mental note to mention him to the guys later.

Alec's hand brushed mine as he took his glass, sending a shiver down my spine "Thank you, beautiful," he said, his tone dripping with condescension.

"No problem" I winked seductively, slowly getting up from my crouched position and watching him as his eyes remained on me. 

I brought the tray back to Dylan and excused myself to the bathroom. 

I closed the door behind myself speaking quietly "I need him to invite me to sit with them or something I can't linger for no reason" 

The lack of response from both men let me know that they were both thinking of how I should approach them.

"You need to make up some excuse to be helpless, he'll most likely do anything to play the macho man plus he already seems interested he was looking at you like he wanted to devour you" Steve said.

"Oh right let me go face plant beside his table or something," I said "Like that's attractive" 

"I was thinking more like spill some alcohol on him, or break a glass or something," he said and I scratched my head "Right that makes more sense" 

Taking a deep breath, I exited the bathroom and waited for another half an hour before walking back over to the VIP table, trying to act casual as I approached. 

"Can I top you gentlemen up" I said picking the bottle back up a few of the men lifted their glasses and I slowly filled their glasses up making sure to leave Alec's till last. 

As I began filling it up I 'accidentally' moved spilling some on his shirt "Oh no, I'm so sorry," I said, feigning distress as I reached for a napkin to help him clean up.

Alec looked down at his now-stained shirt, visibly irritated "It's fine," he muttered, reaching for the napkin I offered but I could see the flicker of annoyance in his eyes and knew that I had to act quickly.

"Oh, let me help you with that," I said, gently pushing his hand away and dabbing at the stain on his shirt with the napkin "You shouldn't have to go around with a stain like that, especially when you look so handsome in that shirt."

Alec's expression softened a little at my compliment, and I could feel my heart racing with anticipation "Thanks," he said, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

I continued to dab at the stain, getting closer and closer to his face until our eyes met. "You know, I feel really bad about this," I said, my voice low and sultry "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Alec looked at me for a long moment, weighing his options. Finally, he spoke. "Actually, there is something you could do," he said, his tone suggestive.

I leaned in closer, my heart racing with excitement "Tell me," I whispered.

"How about you have a seat with us," he suggested. 

"Oh I really shouldn't," I said biting my lip and pretending to ponder the question "But you've been so kind" I added with a sly smile.

Alec grinned, clearly pleased with himself for successfully luring me in "Please, I insist," he said, gesturing to the empty seat beside him.

I hesitated for just a moment before giving in, I sat uncomfortably close to Alec and he placed an arm around me resting it on my ass.

I spent the next hour or so flirting with Alec and listening in on their discussions.

We finally got our in.


alec huh 💆🏽‍♀️

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