Chapter 7

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After a good night's sleep, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. I got up from my bed and stretched carefully, feeling the blood rushing back into my muscles.

 I looked at the clock and realized I had slept for a full eight hours, something I rarely got to do.

I went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair using all the generic products that were provided. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the dark circles under my eyes had disappeared, and my skin looked much brighter. I smiled to myself, knowing that the good night's rest had done me wonders.

There was still pain in my stomach but it was nothing I couldn't handle. 

After being checked out by the doctor I was allowed to leave. I went to my room in the headquarters and took a quick shower changing into my uniform. 

After getting dressed in my uniform, I made my way up to the meeting room where Sam and Steve were already present. They were both huddled around the table, deep in thought and examining scattered pages of documents.

"Morning," I greeted them as I took my seat.

"Good morning," Sam replied, looking up briefly before returning his attention to the papers.

"How are you feeling?" Steve asked worry etched on his face.

"I'm feeling better, thanks," I replied with a smile, appreciating his concern. "Good to hear," he said with a nod.

"Don't worry Captain I'm not made of glass, tougher than I look" I laughed and he nodded in response smiling.

We spent the next few hours going over the information we had gathered from the base. We discussed different strategies and potential outcomes, trying to come up with the best plan of action.

Despite the lingering pain in my stomach, I was able to focus and contribute to the conversation. 

"It's looking like it'll be an undercover operation," Steve said as the three of us looked at a list of names. 

"Right so that means Sam and I will go undercover and you can surveil," I said and he gave me a quizzical look

"Why can't I be the man on the ground," he asked a little defensively 

"Because you'd get recognised in a heartbeat you're literally America's poster boy," I said like it was the most obvious thing, all forms of professionalism leaving my body but I blamed them for that, they made it easy to loosen up.

His mouth formed a slight 'oh' as the realisation hit and I watched as Sam tried to stifle a laugh.

"Surveillance it is" he whispered.

"So it looks like Hydra is recruiting through some elite clubs we'll have to get temporary jobs there to try and infiltrate and get intel," I said "but what jobs?"

"I'm thinking security or manager," Sam said and I nodded "security makes sense you're pretty buff" 

He gave me a smirk and I rolled my eyes at his immaturity "I'd say bartender but then I'd have to learn how to mix drinks" I sighed thinking of my only option "I'm gonna have to be a bottle girl right" 

Sam nodded "Not that it's a bad thing it's just not for me, how am I going to smile at floozy men all night whilst putting on a performance" I defended even though no one was objecting.

"It honestly might make it easier to get closer to these men" Sam pointed at the list of names and I nodded as the realisation hit, what better way to get insight than pretending to be an innocent and naive bottle girl?

"What's a bottle girl" Steve whispered and I couldn't help but laugh at his innocence.

"A bottle girl is an employee who works in the VIP section serving and promoting alcohol to high-paying customers. They typically wear sexy outfits and the job is to create a fun and exciting atmosphere, making sure that the customers have a good time" I explained watching as Steve's eyes widened. 

"Wow that's uh" he started stumbling on his words "Uh yeah good luck with that" he added.

"That's very helpful thank you Captain" I smiled sarcastically and he gave me a shy smile.

"it's ok I'll be around as security and Steve will have eyes and ears on us at all times," Sam said trying to ease the feelings in the room.

I had been on undercover missions before and had to do a variety of things but it felt a little different this time considering all my moves were going to be surveilled.

"So the logistics will be handled by the undercover operations team and we'll confirm everything with Fury before beginning, hopefully as soon as possible" I confirmed and both men nodded. 

"How about we get some food as a little break" I said "I could eat" Sam said and Steve agreed putting down the papers in his hand.

The three of us left to get a well-deserved food break.

As we made our way to the cafeteria, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The morning had been productive, but also intense and draining. I was grateful for the chance to take a break and recharge before diving back into work.

Despite yesterday's setbacks, we were making progress.

We arrived at the cafeteria and I scanned the options. I grabbed some food and the two men followed suit.

We found a table near the window and settled in to eat. The conversation flowed easily, with Steve asking questions about previous missions and Sam regaling us with stories of his adventures as The Falcon.

As we finished our meals, I could feel the exhaustion starting to creep back in. I knew I needed to rest and recover fully before the upcoming mission so I decided to cut myself some slack.

"I think I'm going to head back to my room for a nap," I said, stretching my arms.

"Good idea," Sam said, nodding in agreement "I'll catch up on some paperwork and familiarise myself with our backstories"

Steve gave me a concerned look "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should go see the doctor again."

"I'm fine, really," I assured him, standing up from the table. "Just need some rest, need to be feeling my best or else I'll be distracted during the op and distractions are what get you killed."

I said bye to both men and made my way to my room to take a well-deserved nap.


filler before we get down to business also bottle girl idea was inspo from a tiktok that showed home much they make 🤭

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filler before we get down to business also bottle girl idea was inspo from a tiktok that showed home much they make 🤭

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