Chapter 15

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"I can not wait any longer" he said before pulling me towards him, I giggled as he threw me onto the bed silently praying that this agent hurried the fuck up.

From Steve's perspective all he could see were Alec's hungry eyes and hands beginning to lift my shirt. 

He ran his hands through his hair wondering when this agent would do as he was told. 

I silently said a prayer as I heard a loud bang outside just as Alec removed my shirt leaving me in my bralette still somewhat dressed. I sat up pushing Alec off me making him groan in frustration.

"What was that?" I asked stupidly and he shrugged me off "Probably nothing" he said pushing me back onto the bed yet I stayed persistent sitting back up "No I think you should check it out" I said and Alec stood up. 

"What is wrong with you," he said angrily and I frowned "You suggested this yet you keep finding ways to push me away what's your deal huh," he said and I shook my head quickly.

I grabbed his arm "No baby I want this I'm just concerned" I quickly said. He ran his hand through his hair and stepped back.

"I'm gonna go check it out stay right here," he said before leaving the room and storming down the stairs. I heard him mumble something along the lines of "shit I do to get some"

I didn't miss a beat before making my way to the room from earlier as I began looking for the flash drive. 

I opened drawer after drawer not seeing anything until I finally saw a small box, I opened it to see a silver flash drive, I did a silent cheer before plugging it into a laptop.

I heard the sound of footsteps and gasped, he was back too early. I unplugged the flash drive and shoved it in my boot before the door burst open.

"What are you doing," Alec asked as he began approaching me "Oh I was just curious I didn't" I started but he cut me off "What are you doing," he asked firmly as he pulled a gun from his pants positioning it at me.

"Woah hey I was just exploring" I said hoping I could sweet talk my way out but he did not seem to be backing down.

My heart raced as I tried to come up with a plan. I knew I had to stay calm, but the gun pointed at me made it difficult "Alec, please put the gun down," I said slowly, surrendering my hands.

"Why were you in here? What were you looking for?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

"I was just curious I didn't mean to upset you," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

Alec's eyes narrowed, and he stepped closer to me, the gun still pointed at my chest. "Don't lie to me I know you were after something what did you find?"

I knew I had to be careful with my words. "I didn't find anything I was just looking around please, Alec, put the gun down you're scaring me."

He didn't seem to be falling for it. So here goes nothing.

I slapped the gun from his hands before kicking him in the stomach. I tried to run out of the room but he recovered quickly grabbing me by my hair and pulling me back, he slammed my body into the tiled floor and I groaned as pain erupted through my head.

I tried to reach for my weapon but he pulled it out before I even had a chance "So this was a set up" he realised throwing my gun behind himself.

Steve watched in shock as I got thrown around like a rag doll. It went from 0 to 100 very quickly.

"You stupid bitch" he said as he slapped me, I barely had time to recover before he kicked me in the stomach repeatedly, coincidentally right where the scar from the piece of rebar was forming.

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