Chapter 4

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My watch beeped signalling that two hours were up and everyone was thankfully right where they had to be.

I sat in the back of the van with three agents to my left and one to my right. Opposite us were Steve, Sam and one other agent.

I checked my gear one more time, making sure my weapons were loaded and my earpiece was secure. I took a quiet breath and glanced around the van, giving everyone a nod to signal that it was time to move out.

The van started moving and I could feel the tension in the air. We were all ready for what was to come, but there was still a sense of uncertainty. We had no idea what to expect when we arrived at the Hydra base.

As we got closer, I could see that the base was a small building in the middle of nowhere. It was surrounded by trees and there was no sign of anyone outside. It looked like a typical abandoned building, but we knew better.

We parked the van a few hundred yards away and made our way towards the base on foot, sticking to the cover of the trees. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as we approached the building. 

Keeping a safe distance I began handing out my instructions, "agents 43 and 72 you will accompany Sam and me in taking the lead we will head east and give a cue, once given agents 23, 78 and 31 will enter with Captain Rogers" 

"Great put us with the woman, not like our lives matter right" Agent 43 whispered to Agent 72, I watched as Steve and Sam shared a disapproving look. 

I turned to face the two agents, my eyes narrowing "Your lives matter just as much as anyone else's on this team," I said firmly, my voice carrying a hint of warning "If you can't handle working with me, then you're free to step aside and wait for the next mission."

Both agents shook their heads sharing an annoyed look. 

I didn't let their attitude faze me as I led the way towards the base "Let's move" I said as we began slowly walking taking the east side. 

We got a couple hundred feet away I was in front with Sam trailing behind me and the two agents behind him. 

I heard whispering again "I wonder how she managed to get this far" one of them said assuming I couldn't hear "Probably fucked her way to the top who's to say she's not doing Wilson hell she could be doing Fury" the other laughed and I sighed stopping in my tracks. 

I heard Sam start to speak up and I held my hand up silencing him.

I turned around to face the two agents, my expression cold and stern "I heard what you just said," I said firmly "And let me make one thing clear, my position was earned and if you think that my gender has anything to do with it, then you're even more ignorant than I thought."

The two agents looked a little taken aback by my words, but I didn't give them a chance to respond. "I'm not sure if you're forgetting but I am your superior and right now I hold the power of your employment in my hands, so I'd think twice before making any more disrespectful comments."

"I can't believe I have to say this but we are on a dangerous mission right now this is not some game so stop gambling with everyone's lives and keep your mouths shut if I hear so much as a peep that isn't related to the task on hand you'll be fired before you even have a chance to blink" I finished. 

I waited for a minute staring at the two agents who were avoiding eye contact "Am I clear?" I asked, they both hummed a "yes ma'am" in response. 

Satisfied I began walking again and Sam jogged up beside me "I'm sorry you have to deal with that" he said as we neared the east side entrance.

"I'm used to it," I said not looking at him before pressing the comms "East side is clear team two move in from the west" I instructed "Copy that" Steve replied. 

The two agents followed closely behind Sam and me as we entered the base, guns at the ready. We moved cautiously, checking every corner and room as we made our way through the building.

"I'm gonna head left, Sam you go right and take the two agents with you" I said and Sam furrowed his eyebrows at me "I will be fine, I don't have much hope that either of them can provide me with any necessary coverage" I taunted as the agents avoided my gaze.

Sam gave a small nod and motioned for the agents to follow him as he made his way towards the right side of the building. I turned left and carefully checked each room as I went.

The base was smaller than we had anticipated, but it was clear that it was still operational. I came across a few Hydra agents, but they were no match for me. 

I suffered a blow to the head and a kick to my stomach but that was the worst of it.

I entered what looked to be a control room next, a lone man was working away in the corner "Hands where I can see them" I announced my arrival gun aimed and ready. 

The man gasped dropping whatever he had in his hands and making a beeline in the opposite direction.

"West side breech initiating," Steve said through the comms as his team finally caught up. 

Just as I was about to run after the man a rapid blinking in the right corner of the room I just entered made me narrow my eyes, I gasped at the realisation. 

"Fall back I repeat ball back" I yelled into the comms "There is an explosive everybody stay clear of the building" panic was evident in my voice. 

Despite my quick realisation and warning to the group, I myself couldn't make it out quick enough. 

I ran as far away as I could yet the explosion still managed to knock me off my feet, I hit my head on the ground and felt my vision slowly get blurry which then turned into complete darkness.


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silly little agents 🙄

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