Chapter 17

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The four of us met back up at the hangar geared up and ready to go, we had a team of six other agents to provide additional support. 

Unfortunately, there were two agents there that I did not want to see "Agent 43, agent 72 I believe you two were on suspension" I asked narrowing my eyes 

Agent 43 and Agent 72 looked visibly uncomfortable as I addressed them. "Yes, ma'am," Agent 43 responded with a hesitant tone. "What are you two doing here then?" I asked, my suspicion growing.

"We were reinstated by Fury," Agent 72 answered, trying to sound confident but failing to meet my gaze. "There was a lack of personnel after the incident in Ecuador so we were asked to temporarily fill in as resources were stretched thin"

"Alright," I said with a sigh, "just make sure you follow clear orders this time and if anything like last time is repeated this suspension will turn into a termination in a heartbeat"

Agent 43 and Agent 72 both nodded their heads in agreement, knowing that I was serious. It was clear that they still had a lot to prove if they wanted to regain my trust and respect.

"Agent 19 I suggest you ride with us we still have some plans to go over" Steve lied and I nodded slowly shooting him a grateful look I mouthed "Thank you"

The rest of the ride to the base consisted of a quiet Steve, smirking Sam and Bucky chatting up a storm. 

It was pretty obvious that he was interested and I was trying to be as friendly as possible without giving him false hope. I was also grateful none of this was happening in front of the other agents, I can't imagine the controversies that would occur.

We arrived at the base and I began giving out my instructions "Surprise attack and everyone will move in together covering all entrances and exits," I said, "we need to make sure we take them by surprise and not give them any chance to call for backup Sam, Bucky, and Steve, you'll take the main entrance, Agents 43 and 14, you'll take the side entrance, Agents 72 and 53 you'll take the back entrance the rest of us will cover any potential escape routes."

Everyone nodded in understanding and we began to execute the plan. As we made our way through the base we took out any resistance we encountered, despite the initial discomfort with Agent 43 and Agent 72's presence, they proved themselves to be valuable members of the team and followed orders without question, their jobs were on the line after all.

As we secured the base and rounded up the remaining members of Hydra's operation, I couldn't help but feel proud. It was like my mistake with Nathan had finally been dealt with.

We made our way back to the hangar tired but glorious, Steve pulled me aside "Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look.

I smiled at him, grateful for his concern. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, "just glad everything went smoothly and that everyone could behave."

"Good," he said with a small smile, "I was worried about you."

I couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in my chest at his words "I'm a big girl remember" I said getting on the quinjet and taking a seat.

Steve sat next to me before Bucky or Sam could and Sam gave Steve a confused look, he was probably thinking why Steve was interfering between me and Bucky.

As we flew I could hear Bucky clear his throat after constant whispering between him and Sam "So y/n I was wondering if you would let me take you out sometime?" he asked and my eyes widened.

I scrambled to come up with an excuse looking at an uncomfortable Steve next to me "I would uh" I started and then felt bad taking in Bucky's curious eyes "I'm sorry but I can't" I said and Bucky's face fell.

"Oh come on he's perfect what's the issue," Sam said "You two will be perfect together" he said gesturing at me and Bucky. 

I bit my lip deciding they deserved the truth "I like someone else" I said and watched as Steve stiffened next to me "What?" Sam questioned and I gave Bucky an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry you're a great guy and I should've said something earlier but better late than never right," I said swallowing hard, as he nodded slowly.

"So who's the guy?" Sam asked and I rolled my eyes "None of your business" I said and he groaned "It's the least you could do after stringing my friend along" he replied.

"Hey, why are you getting so worked up about this?" Steve interjected, putting a hand on Sam's shoulder. "Let her make her own decisions, it's her life." 

Sam narrowed his eyes at me and I sighed frustrated "Fine I'll tell you" I said and Steve's eyes widened "You're gonna what" he asked and I nodded.

I grabbed his hand holding it up and Sam's eyes widened in surprise "Hold on wait a minute" he said "You two" "Wait so him" he said all at once and I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Yes it's Steve" I confirmed "You could've said something," Bucky said towards Steve as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"I know, I'm sorry," Steve replied sheepishly, "but I didn't want to say anything until she felt comfortable sharing it herself"

"I understand," he said, I felt relieved to finally get everything out in the open. 

Sam let out a deep sigh, shaking his head. "Well, I guess that's that then, Steve you better not mess this up."

"I won't," Steve promised, looking at me with a smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Speaking of not messing up, if word gets out about us, I will personally have to come and deal with you" I warned "If other agents find out, I'll lose whatever respect I've earned because they may assume I got a free pass in my job, which is absolutely not the case."

"I don't want to have to worry about someone using this relationship against me" I finished and Sam nodded "Don't worry my lips are sealed" he said and I smiled gratefully at him.

Bucky cleared his throat, drawing our attention back to him. "Well, I'm happy for you two," he said with a small smile. 

I was confident we could make this work.


cutie patooties 😫

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cutie patooties 😫

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