Chapter 6

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I opened my eyes slowly feeling a heavy weight on them. I took in my surroundings and realised I was alone in the Shield medical recovery room.

It was a pristine room with basic amenities, my eyes scanned the room and I sighed removing the sheets from over my legs.

I carefully placed my feet on the floor slowly making my way to the window and opening it to let some air in.

"already on our feet are we," a voice said and I turned to see Fury, Sam and Steve enter. 

I smiled at them before getting back into bed "so what's the worst of it?" I asked no one in particular.

"There was blood loss which has been stabilized now, and the wound was pretty deep but it's been stitched up nicely. The doctor said you need to rest for a while and avoid any strenuous activities," Steve replied with a concerned look on his face.

"Strenuous activity is basically in my job description" I laughed and no one seemed to smile along with me 

I whispered "tough crowd" instead.

"you need to watch for signs of infection," Sam said with his arms crossed.

"oh come on I've dealt with much worse before" I argued crossing my arms myself "Tell them" 

Fury sighed before beginning to talk "Yes she once died for a couple of minutes" he said nonchalantly and I nodded along happily staring at Steve and Sam's shocked expressions.

"my heart stopped beating but I was luckily revived quickly," I added with a grin, trying to lighten the mood.

Fury shook his head, clearly unamused. "Don't make light of this, Agent we need you in top condition, and that means taking care of yourself."

Just as he finished talking he left my room wishing me a speedy recovery.

I looked between the two men left in the room wondering why they hadn't left yet and to my surprise, they both took a seat in the room.

"Is something wrong?" I asked concern laced in my voice.

"I have to ask" Steve started as Sam nodded along "Why do you feel the need to be so strong" 

I took a deep breath realising I was in for a long conversation. 

"It's just hard being a girl in this environment" I was struggling to find the right words "The guys always think I won't be able to step up when necessary despite my efforts throughout the years"

"You practically saved our lives in that base, you made sure we were all aware of the danger before having a chance to bring yourself to safety," Sam said

"That's a selfless and reputable task on its own" Steve added and I couldn't help but smile at their words

It was nice to know that I was appreciated and I was glad to see at least someone was aware of my achievements.

"Make no mistake when it seems necessary I can and will stand up for myself," I said "And in no way am I saying I want or need anyone else to stand up for me, if that situation occurs any respect or admiration I have will be crushed"

I could see my words registering on their faces and I was glad.

"We are a team now and we need you to know that if you do ever change your mind neither of us will hesitate to help" Steve said "I appreciate that" I smiled.

The three of us chatted for a while discussing what we found and saw at the base and decided it would be best to strategise tomorrow once everyone got some rest.

Just as Sam was finishing a sentence a knock at the door pulled all of our attention in the direction. 

I smiled as a very familiar red-haired woman stood at the door arms crossed.

"Nat" I called out happily lifting my arms as she came to hug me.

"heard you got banged up," she said as she took a seat on the side of my bed.

"Steve, Sam" she greeted finally acknowledging the two men in the room.

"wait you two know each other?" Sam asked and I nodded  "yeah we worked together a lot before she decided to ditch me for you guys" I quipped raising my eyebrows at her.

She rolled her eyes playfully "I never left you, we saw each other last week" she added 

"You never mentioned you knew someone like her," Steve said with a smile to Natasha. "Was I meant to mention it?" she asked teasingly and Steve's face turned a shade of red.

"We go way back," she added with a grin "She's one of the best in the business."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," I said with a smirk.

"Speaking off how is Erik," she said and I quickly clamped a hand over her mouth, there was no reason the boys needed to hear any of this.

"Erik?" Sam asked and I shook my head quickly "That was nothing, he was nothing" I gave Natasha a stern look and she lifted her hands in response surrendering.

"We'll let you two catch up," Steve said as he stood up "talk tomorrow" 

"Thanks for visiting" I added just as they left the room.

Natasha got up and took Steve's now vacant chair and we began talking away. 

As we caught up, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Natasha's presence. She always had a way of putting me at ease and making me feel understood.

Together we dealt with a lot of shit but we always had each other to lean on in times of need.

We talked about everything from work to our personal lives, and before I knew it, it was late into the night.

"Now get lots of rest tonight I know you won't be taking a day off but please don't push yourself," Natasha said as she got up, I laughed at her concern but didn't deny anything because I knew she was right.

"Good night Nat" I called out as she left wishing me a good night in the process. 

I closed my eyes, feeling the weight of exhaustion pulling at me. It had been a long day, and I needed to rest. The sound of cars outside slowly faded and was replaced with the soft rhythm of my breathing.


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