Chapter 2

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I waited patiently in the observation room for the two men.  

I straightened up from my leaned position and uncrossed my arms as they both made their way into the room.

"Mr Wilson, Mr Rogers I apologise for the lack of professionalism upstairs but I hope we can put it behind us and work together to gather the necessary information from the interrogation," I said, trying to keep a civil tone.

The two men exchanged a glance before nodding in agreement. "No need to apologize, Agent 19," Steve said with a small smile "and please you do not need to call us by our last names"

Sam chimed in, "We're here to support you in any way we can we understand the pressure you're under and the importance of this situation."

I nodded in appreciation, glad that they were understanding. "Thank you I'm going to start the interrogation now, and you can watch from here if I need your input or assistance, I'll let you know."

With that, I walked out and to the adjacent room trying to shake off the tense exchange with Fury earlier. I needed to focus on the task at hand and gather as much information as possible from the agent in question. 

I closed the door behind myself looking at the emotionless agent sitting in a chair in the center of the room. 

"Nathan" I greeted tucking the outstretched chair opposite him back into the table and instead taking a seat on the edge of the table directly in front of him. 

"Y/n" he spoke with no sense of regret or guilt in his voice "Would you like to explain to me why you seem to be so tense today?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I didn't want to waste any time beating around the bush, so I immediately got to the point.

"Oh it could be because a certain someone seems to be feeding classified information to a terrorist organisation, and now we need to find out what you know."

Nathan leaned back in his chair, seemingly unfazed by my accusations "Is that so?" he said calmly.

I could feel my blood boiling, but I stayed composed. I needed to extract as much information from him as possible, and getting angry wouldn't help.

"Yes, that's so, now, why don't you start by telling me how you managed to bypass all of our tests and background checks?"

Nathan leaned forward, a smirk forming on his face "I have my ways," he said cryptically.

I gritted my teeth, resisting the urge to lash out at him. 

"Look, Nathan, I don't have time for your games we know you've been working with Hydra, and we need to know what you've been telling them so why don't you start talking and maybe we can work something out?"

Nathan's smirk turned into a frown, and for a moment I thought he might actually cooperate but then he leaned back in his chair again and crossed his arms.

"Sorry, Agent 19 I'm afraid I can't do that."

I let out a frustrated sigh. This wasn't going to be easy but I was determined to get the information we needed, no matter what.

"Alright so why don't we give Angela a call, I'm sure she's worried sick after all her husband didn't return home last night," I said and watched as a slight twinge in his face appeared, at least this proved to me that he hadn't lied about his family on his file.

"Maybe we can go pay little Ben a visit at school, I'm sure he'd love to hear about how daddy is a little piece of shit" I continued and watched as his face became slightly red. 

They were all empty threats, I would never threaten innocent lives no matter how frustrated I was, but it was clear that my words were getting to Nathan. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, trying to maintain his composure.

"You don't have the guts to do that," he said, his voice shaking slightly, I couldn't tell if it was from anger or fear.

I leaned in closer, my tone low and menacing. "You don't know me very well, Nathan I'll do whatever it takes to get the information I need"

Before I had a chance to say anything else Nathans's head made contact with my face, I stumbled back falling off the table as he stood up, he leaned down wrapping his hands tightly around my neck and shoving me into the wall. 

Pain shot through my body as Nathan's grip tightened around my neck. I struggled to catch my breath, feeling the air being squeezed out of my lungs. Nathan was strong, and he had the advantage of surprise. 

I felt myself growing weaker, my vision starting to blur. Panic set in as I realized that I might not be able to break free. Just as I thought all was lost, I managed to find a weak spot in Nathan's grip. I twisted my body and pushed off the wall with my feet, causing him to lose his balance. 

I kicked him in the groin making him fall to the ground, my hand reaching for the gun holstered at my waist. Nathan was already on his feet, but I was quicker. I aimed my weapon at him, my heart racing in my chest as I tried to steady my breathing.

"Stay down," I warned him, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Nathan glared up at me, but he knew better than to try anything else. 

I grabbed the handcuffs off my belt and handcuffed his hands behind his back shoving him back down roughly in his chair. 

From the observation room both men watched in awe, I had managed to apprehend someone twice my size despite being ambushed. 

Steve was about to rush into the room once contact was first made but was hastily stopped by Sam once I managed to defend myself and keep the situation under control.

"That was" Steve started staring at me through the glass aiming my gun at Nathan "Hot" Sam finished for him "I was gonna say impressive" Steve said disapprovingly but didn't stop himself from whispering "Hot works as well."

They had seen their fair share of combat and knew that what I had just done was not easy, especially considering Nathan's size.

"Well at least now we know Fury was right she is more than capable" Steve admired. 


obvs she's more than capable silly also on a little trip w my friends rn so updates won't be as frequent 🥰

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obvs she's more than capable silly also on a little trip w my friends rn so updates won't be as frequent 🥰

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