Chapter 16

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The Alec mess was cleaned up for us and we got to return to headquarters. 

I didn't even bother getting cleaned up before making my way to Fury's office as Sam and Steve followed close behind me.

I took out the flash drive that I had put in my boot and placed it on his desk.

Fury was surprised at my state and Steve was smirking behind me not realising I had still managed to get the flash drive after everything that happened. 

"Here are your coordinates I trust you can figure out where we have to go because for now, I'm going to sleep," I said before walking out of his office not even waiting for a response.

I heard Sam laugh behind me and Fury mumble something but I didn't care.

Steve followed behind me as I made my way to my room. 

As we entered my room, Steve immediately went to the bathroom to grab some supplies. I collapsed onto my bed, feeling the weight of exhaustion and adrenaline that had been coursing through my body. Steve came back with a first aid kit and a damp cloth.

"Let's clean you up," he said gently.

I winced as he dabbed at a particularly nasty cut on my arm "Thanks," I muttered. 

Steve continued to clean my wounds, and I closed my eyes, letting the gentle touch of his fingers soothe me. It felt like hours before he finally finished, and I was left feeling clean and refreshed.

"Thank you," I said again, sitting up slowly.

Steve leaned in, his face hovering inches from mine. He leaned in again to kiss me and I pulled back.

"Whatever this is," I said motioning toward me and him "We have to keep it secret for now," I said and he nodded.

"I can't deal with any teasing comments or I told you so yet" I clarified and he nodded grabbing my face with his hands "I completely understand" he said and I smiled.

"I'm gonna shower now you're welcome to wait out here," I said getting up and making my way into my bathroom.

I took a hot shower being mindful of my cuts and bruises and got dressed in some sweatpants and a shield t-shirt.

"Oh how I missed my clothes," I said as I walked out lying down in my bed, Steve was sitting up leaning against my headboard. 

We spent the rest of the night talking, making fun of stuff we saw at the club and eventually fell asleep laying down next to each other.

The sound of Steve's soft breathing next to me was a comfort as I slowly drifted off to sleep. It was a strange feeling, being so vulnerable and yet so safe with him. I knew we had a lot to figure out, but for now, I just wanted to enjoy this moment of peace.

The next morning, I woke up to find Steve still asleep next to me. I smiled and gently brushed a strand of hair away from his face before getting up to start my day. As I got dressed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with apprehension at the thought of what might come next for us.

It was bittersweet, everyone longed to be loved but I know once word got out my reputation as being one of the best would be doubted, and rumours would spread like a forest fire questioning my abilities but I pushed all those thoughts aside for now.

Steve woke up once I got dressed and snuck out of my room effortlessly, we both had to go to Fury's office and I didn't want to walk in together. 

I made sure to wait for a while in my room before making my way up, once entering Sam and Steve were already there with Fury and there was also another person in the room.

All heads turned when I entered the room and Steve had a pissed-off impression as Sam was smiling proudly the other person in the room was none other than Bucky. 

"I wasn't aware Sergeant Barnes was going to be joining us," I said as I walked towards Fury's desk.

Fury gave me a look, "Sam insisted he joins for the clearing of the new bases, he said we needed more hands on deck," "Right" I nodded knowing his true intentions.

 I could feel Steve's eyes on me as Fury began the briefing. There were a couple of new bases and our task was to take down the head base as other teams would take down the smaller bases. 

Fury dismissed us, instructing us to go talk strategy before beginning the operation.

As we all walked out of Fury's office, Steve walked beside me and I could feel his tension. "What's wrong?" I asked him already having a slight idea.

"You know what's wrong," he replied, his voice low.

"I didn't ask for him to be here, Steve, Sam insisted," I said, trying to calm him down.

"We both know why he's here and now you won't have any excuse to dismiss him," he said, his jaw clenched.

"Don't worry about it," I said as Bucky appeared on the other side of me.

"Hi I'm Bucky," he said holding his hand out "Y/n or Agent 19," I said shaking his hand and smiling. 

"Sam certainly didn't do justice to describing how beautiful you are" he said making me blush, and I couldn't help but notice Steve rolling his eyes out of the corner of my eye. Strangely enough, I found his slight display of jealousy attractive

I gave Bucky a small smile, trying to keep things friendly between us despite Steve's obvious discomfort "Thanks," I said, "but let's focus on the task at hand."

We walked down the hallway and into a nearby conference room where we could discuss our strategy. I pulled up the satellite images of the bases on the screen, and we began to discuss the best approach.

Steve watched as Bucky and I interacted, he watched as I laughed at something he said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, he couldn't deny the obvious jealousy he felt but at the same time he didn't own me, we didn't establish what our relationship was so there was no reason for me not to pursue Bucky.

He hoped that the brief time we spent together was significant to me, just as it was to him

As the discussion came to an end, we all agreed on the best course of action and made our way to our respective rooms to prepare and meet back for the mission. I could feel Steve's eyes on me as I left the room with Bucky. 

I turned back to look at him catching his eye and giving him a reassuring smile before turning back to Bucky.


jealousy jealousy - olivia rodrigo 😉

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jealousy jealousy - olivia rodrigo 😉

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