Chapter 8

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I woke up from my nap slightly groggy it took me a while to process where I was and why I was there but once the temporary delirium wore off I got right back into work.

I grabbed my phone calling the head of undercover operations whilst I began walking back to where Steve and Sam were working. 

I entered the room just as I cut the call "ok so everything is good and ready for us we should be able to start tomorrow night" I confirmed. 

Steve and Sam looked up from their work, their expressions shifting from deep concentration to curiosity as they saw me walking into the room. "What's the update?" Steve asked, his eyebrows furrowing with concern.

"We're good to go," I replied with a hint of relief in my voice. "I just spoke with the head of undercover ops and everything has been sorted out we can start tomorrow night."

Steve nodded, his face relaxing slightly. "That's good news," he said. "What do we need to do to prepare?"

"We'll need to make sure we have all the necessary equipment and that we're familiar with our cover stories," I explained, my mind already racing through the details of the operation. "We'll also need to make sure we have a clear communication plan and that we're all on the same page."

Sam leaned forward, his expression serious "And we need to be prepared for anything," he said, his eyes locking onto mine. "We don't know what we're going to encounter out there, so we need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

I nodded, fully aware of the risks involved in an operation like this. But I was also confident in our abilities and our training. "Agreed," I said, my voice steady. "We'll be ready for anything."

We were basically walking head-first into a lion's den with no proper defensive equipment. 

Sam tossed me a stack of papers that he had a copy of as well "Is this a backstory or an autobiography?" I asked scanning the size of the stack.

"You could say I like to be thorough" he shrugged "Thanks anyways for pulling my weight as well," I said gratefully "Don't worry Steve and I split it up" 

Over the next few hours, we went through every detail of our cover story, refining and perfecting it until it felt like second nature. 

"Alright quiz time," Steve said grabbing the stacks from us.

"You first Agent" he smiled and I nodded preparing myself.

"Ok so Cassie Davis junior in college studying biology, 21 years old working in the club as a bottle girl originally born and raised in Colorado" 

Steve nodded, impressed "Good, good what's your cover story for being in Washington?"

"Moved out here for college" I answered "What college?" he asked and I replied "Georgetown" without missing a beat.

"Excellent," Steve said, grinning. "You're definitely ready for this."

He then began the process of quizzing Sam and I listened intensively watching as he answered his questions with no mistakes.

After several rounds of quizzing, Steve finally seemed satisfied with our level of preparation. "Alright, I think we're as ready as we can be," he said, leaning back in his chair.

"Now it's your turn to learn" I said as I got up from my seat ushering them out, we began walking towards the equipment room and I gathered what we would need. 

"These are communication devices Sam and I will each wear one and with these, you will be able to hear everything and talk to us" I explained holding up the tiny devices.

"Sam will wear these glasses they have no prescription and instead will give you access to everything he can see, considering I will be moving around more I will use these contacts, they have the same function but they're more discreet," I continued, holding up a pair of glasses and a small container of contacts "Make sure you're comfortable with these before we go in."

"and remember he will be able to see everything in your eyeline" I stressed "We've had some interesting incidents in the past" I explained shuddering back at a memory.

"Now let's move on to the weapons" I opened up a case, revealing a selection of handguns and other small arms "You can take a small handgun, and a few extra magazines," I explained, giving  the weapons to Sam "Remember, use these only as a last resort."

"What about you?" Steve asked "I won't be able to conceal it, bottle girl outfits don't exactly leave a lot up to the imagination" and he blushed at the realisation "I'll be weaponless" 

I spent the next hour or so explaining to Steve how to work the computer to access the video feed from us and play the audio.  

We did a few test runs to get him comfortable with the idea, "The club is called Heist and you will be situated in a hotel room nearby with all the surveillance equipment"

"Sam and I will also be at the hotel for however long this mission goes on, you just won't be leaving the place" I explained. 

"The club opens at 10 pm but we'll leave there at 8 pm tomorrow to set up and do last-minute prep, so it means you will have tonight and tomorrow during the day to finalise any details" I finished. 

Steve and Sam nodded, taking it all in "Okay, I think I got it."

"Good," I said, satisfied with their response "Now I'm off to go do some outfit shopping I will see you two tomorrow," I said as I began leaving the room not waiting for a response this time. 

As I walked out of the room, I felt a sense of relief that the preparations were finally complete but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness and anxiety about the mission that lay ahead.

I made my way to the nearest shopping mall to look for some outfits for the mission. I had googled some inspiration and based my spending on that, I needed something that would blend in with the crowd but also make me stand out enough to catch some attention. 

After hours of browsing through different stores, I finally found a couple of things that would work. I bought as much as I could not knowing the timeline for this mission and then finally called it a night. 


prep for some action but also i go on holiday for a week and updates will be scarce 🫨

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prep for some action but also i go on holiday for a week and updates will be scarce 🫨

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