Chapter 5

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My eyes opened slowly and I coughed several times, my ears were ringing and it took me a second to realise where I was and what was happening. 

I looked around myself to see a lot of debris and rubble, the room looked like a wreck and the ceiling had fully caved in, so much for being a small base.

I could hear a voice in my ear but the ringing was temporarily washing the voice out. Eventually, I realised my comms were still working "Agent 19 what's your status" "Agent 19 I repeat what is your status"

Slowly, I reached up to my earpiece and activated it. "This is Agent 19," I said, my voice hoarse and weak "I'm alive, but I'm hurt I think"

"Copy that, agent 19," the voice on the other end said "We're on our way can you move?" I recognised the voice as Steve's "No you need to say clear of the building there could be a second explosion we don't know what has been triggered" I said still feeling woozy. 

"Negative, Sam and I will be moving in we sent the agents back there is a rescue chopper," Steve said, worry was evident in his voice. 

"We do not leave our own behind, that's not how we work," Sam said and I felt grateful if the agents couldn't learn respect or loyalty it was nice to know that the two new men had some sense of understanding.

My eyes were feeling really heavy and I was trying my hardest to get up but there was significant pressure on my lower half. 

"I'm trapped," I said, panic starting to set in "Agent 19, stay calm," Steve's voice came through the comms again "We're almost there just hang tight."

His voice was soothing, it sounded like hope, in this moment it was very clear it was something I desired and I couldn't help but correlate the feeling and sound.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to push the panic down. The ringing in my ears had started to subside, but the pain in my head and legs was still present.

It felt like an eternity before I heard the sound of footsteps approaching "Agent 19, can you hear me?" It was Sam's voice this time.

"Yeah," I replied weakly.

"Steve's going to try and move the rubble off you," Sam said, "it might be painful, but we'll get you out of there."

I braced myself as Steve and Sam worked together to remove the rubble. The pain was excruciating, but I managed to keep myself from screaming. 

Once the rubble was removed I still felt horrible pain in my stomach. I looked down to see a piece of rebar lodged right in my stomach, the adrenaline wasn't causing me to feel the pain yet but the sight of it was horrific. 

I placed my hands around the wound, I knew not to pull it out and to stop any extra bleeding, instead, I tried to keep pressure on the surrounding areas but it was hard.

The pain was settling in and I felt nauseous.

There was blood everywhere and I could feel myself dipping in and out of consciousness but I kept myself firm.

I tried to stand up but instead swayed back and forth "Do not do that" Steve warned "You're going to injure yourself further" 

"I'm fine" I lied just as the words left my mouth I lost consciousness falling into Steve's arms. 

He quickly placed one hand under my knees and the other under my back, he knew this was incredibly dangerous to do but it was the only way to move me right now. 

The extraction helicopter couldn't exactly get into the building. 

Once all three of us were in the chopper Steve spoke up "Why does she feel the need to always be so strong?" he questioned and Sam sighed taking in my washed-out face and limp figure.

"She gets treated horribly" he said moving out of the way so the rescue team could begin the process of stabilising me.

My heartbeat and breathing was being monitored and the wound was being packed with gauze to try and minimise bleeding. 

"What do you mean?" Steve asked as they both took a seat watching the team work away.

"The other agents don't respect her whatsoever they were making horrible and degrading comments about her earlier, they don't respect her authority at all" he said, Steve's face hardened in disbelief.

"Oh don't worry she made sure to put them in their place but it's also the reason she went off on her own" he continued. 

Steve shook his head in disbelief "That's unacceptable," he said through gritted teeth. "We're supposed to be a team, we're supposed to have each other's backs, shield can't work if its agents are unreliable and immature"

"that's how lives are lost and that's how mistakes are made"

Sam nodded in agreement. "I know," he said "but unfortunately, there are always going to be people who think they're better than everyone else."

"She's a tough girl but everyone has a breaking point"

Steve sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. 

As the rescue team continued to work on stabilizing me, Steve and Sam sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts. They both knew that being an agent was a dangerous job, but seeing one of their own hurt like this was a stark reminder of just how real the dangers were.

Even though I didn't know them well enough or even know them long enough to be considered a friend both men felt a sinking feeling as they watched my body lay there still and timid.

It was easy to form a quick liking for someone you admired whether that was because of their personality or due to their capabilities. 

After all, I did sort of save their lives by warning them about the explosive when I did.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the helicopter touched down at the nearest hospital. I was rushed into surgery, and the next few hours were a blur of pain and confusion.


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