Chapter 14

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I woke up the next morning still in last night's clothes but not in my bed.

Yesterday's events replayed in my head and I felt so stupid how could I fall asleep in a chair in the middle of a debrief?

I got out of bed, opened the door, and went to my room. I opened the door to find Steve asleep in my bed. 

I quietly tiptoed around the room trying to find some clothes I could change into but I guess I wasn't quite enough because I managed to wake Steve up.

"I'm so sorry," I said "It was unprofessional to fall asleep like that last night especially because we were discussing something important I promise it won't happen again" I quickly said and he laughed "Don't worry about it"

He got up out of my bed and I just noticed he was shirtless and only wearing sweatpants I stopped myself from staring instead talking about yesterday at the club.

"So he agreed to come back today and take me home," I began, "so we have until tonight to figure out how we're going to get that information."

"don't worry about it Sam and I figured it all out" he said and I sighed gratefully

"I'm gonna shower and stuff and then I'll meet you back in your room to go over the plan," I said 

"Oh right yeah sorry" Steve said putting his shirt on and quickly leaving the room.

I showered and put on some leggings and a jumper before going into Steve's room.

"Morning" Sam smirked and I know there was no good coming out of this conversation. 

"Talk about it and I'll hurt you," I said no hint of a joke in my voice, he put his hands up defensively and Steve told him off.

"Ok so we figured you could wear some type of long boots and store a small handgun there" Steve started explaining their plan 

"We know the coordinates are in a flash drive so you'll have to figure out a way to unlock his laptop and plug it in and then flick through the information, your contacts will store all the information so we can comb through it later" Sam continued

"how exactly am I distracting him" I started before quickly adding "I'm not having sex with him" crossing my arms.

"No you don't have to" Steve quickly added "We'll have an agent cause some type of commotion outside your location" Sam said. 

"Okay, but what if he gets suspicious? He's not stupid, you know" I asked "he won't because you will be very firm with how scared you are" Sam said 

"I'll still have to work at the club we can't both punch out at the same time the same week we joined just in case someone gets suspicious" he explained and I nodded.

"Steve will still work surveillance because we'll still need him watching just in case something else happens at the club" he added 

"you will be completely on your own but we know you can handle it," Steve said and I nodded.

I got this.

Night approached and I did the same routine as the last two nights of getting ready. 

Tonight I wore a bralette layered with a sheer top and a skirt making sure to put on some thigh-high boots.

I strapped a holster to my calf and placed a small handgun in before zipping the boot up.

I put in my earpiece and contacts as well as my coat. "Be careful" Steve said and I nodded "of course"

Sam and I made the same journey to the club and I did my usual routine giving a thumbs up in the mirror before starting on my service.

It was around 1 when Alec strolled in I immediately felt my heart rate increase and my adrenaline start pumping as Alec approached me at the bar. I put on my best fake smile and greeted him.

"Hey honey good to see you again," I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

He smiled back, and I could tell that he was eyeing me up and down "You look even better tonight," he said, his gaze lingering on my boots.

I tried not to show any discomfort as he pulled me into his arms "Thanks," I replied, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"You ready to go?" he asked and I nodded "Let me grab my jacket" I said quickly walking back to the changing room.

My heart was practically in my mouth and I took a few deep breaths trying to steady my erratic breathing "You got this" a voice said and I nodded.

I walked back out and linked arms with Alec as we walked out of the club together. He directed me to his car and it was a nice fancy car.

I got in putting my seat belt on and he got into the driver's side "Where are we going" I giggled and he placed his hand on my thigh.

 I tried my best not to flinch as Alec's hand made contact with my thigh. "My place," he said with a smirk. My heart rate increased even more as we drove further away from the club and into a rich neighbourhood.

I tried to stay calm and composed, but my mind was racing with all the possible scenarios that could go wrong. What if he figured out my real intentions? What if he discovered my hidden gun? I took a deep breath and tried to push those thoughts out of my head. I had to focus on the task at hand.

I made sure to look at all signs indicating what location we were in so Steve knew where to send the agent.

As we arrived at Alec's house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was a big, luxurious mansion, and I couldn't imagine what kind of person would live in a place like this alone. Alec got out of the car and opened the door for me, and I stepped out, taking in my surroundings.

As we walked into his house, I took mental notes of all the exits and possible hiding places. I needed to be prepared for anything. Alec led me to his living room and poured us both a drink.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" he asked, his eyes roaming over my body.

I tried not to cringe at his gaze and instead put on a flirty smile "Whatever you want, baby," I said, trying to sound convincing.

Alec leaned in and kissed me, and I tried my best to reciprocate without giving away my true feelings. After a few minutes, he pulled away and led me up the stairs and to his room.

After a while of some making out, I excused myself to go to the bathroom, and Alec pointed me in the right direction. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed a slightly ajar door. I peeked inside and saw a room filled with computer equipment.

This must be where he keeps the flash drive, I thought to myself. I made a mental note of the room and continued to the bathroom. 

"Steve you need to hurry with this agent I can not stall any longer," I said frustrated "I'm trying he's nearly there," he said sounding equally frustrated.

I took a couple of deep breaths and left the bathroom going back to his room.


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