Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning ready for the night ahead. I packed a suitcase full of some essentials and all the outfits I had bought. 

I spent the rest of my day with Steve and Sam going over our cover stories and any other important details. 

We had all confirmed everything with Fury for the last time and he wished us luck as the time neared. 

We travelled down and used a back entrance to get into the hotel, it was nothing fancy as we wanted to stay lowkey but it wasn't run down either because we deserved some comfort at least. 

We all got our respective room keys and Sam and I helped Steve set up all the equipment before we made our way to our rooms to get ready for our new jobs. 

I did some glam makeup by following some YouTube tutorials and straightened my hair and put on my outfit for the night. It was a form-fitting black bodycon two-piece dress with a plunging neckline and sheer panels, paired with black heels. I wanted to look the part of a high-end bottle girl and blend in with the other staff at the club.

I felt slightly uncomfortable but pushed through it, after all, I was a professional.

As I checked my reflection one last time, I made sure to tuck the communication device in my ear and put in the contact lenses that would allow Steve to see everything I saw. I took a deep breath and headed out of my room, ready to face the night ahead.

I walked next door to Steve's room where Sam was already waiting dressed in a black suit, a white dress shirt, and a black tie. The suit was well-tailored and fitted, with polished black dress shoes. A security badge was plastered on the suit jacket. 

"Wow you look" Steve started eyes widening at my appearance "Hot" Sam continued for him and I rolled my eyes at them as a slight blush coated my cheeks. 

I slipped a long jacket on to cover myself up a little and then walked over to Steve's equipment turning on the video feed. 

Two sets played and it showed everything Sam and I could see. 

"Everything looks good on our end," Sam said, checking his own communication device "Are you ready, Steve?"

Steve nodded, as he sat in front of the computer screens. "I'm ready."

"Good," I said, patting him on the back "Remember, keep an eye on everything and let us know if anything seems off."

With that, we left Steve in the hotel room and headed out to the club. It was a short walk and I walked ahead as Sam lingered behind so we wouldn't walk in together.

The entrance was already crowded with people, and loud music could be heard from outside. Sam and I made our way inside and were immediately greeted by the throbbing beats of the music and the flashing lights of the dance floor.

The club was packed with people dressed in their finest, and the bartenders were busy pouring drinks for the patrons. 

I found my 'manager' who was an erratic man by the name of Josh, he seemed like he barely had time to breathe, he just kept running around. 

"Hi I'm Cassie the new bottle girl" I introduced and he glanced at me quickly "Coat off, changing room is that way go find Ellie she'll explain what to do first" he quickly instructed before running off.

"Rude" I mumbled and I could hear Steve's laugh in my ear. 

I made my way to the changing room and found a locker that had my nametag already on it, I shoved my coat into it, turned to look into the big mirror and adjusted the bottom half of my two-piece a little feeling uncomfortable. 

"You look great stop stressing," Steve said and for a split second, I forgot he saw what I saw. I visibly exhaled and then gave a thumbs up into the mirror before going to look for Ellie. 

I found Ellie quickly and was grateful that she was a bubbly and friendly girl. She explained to me the basics of the job and showed me how to carry the bottles, how to serve them, and how to interact with the customers.

"Now you are absolutely breathtaking and look incredibly sexy so you will be working premium" she said and I smiled at the compliment "told you so" was said in my ear and my smile widened. 

"Hang around the bartender and he'll tell you who to give what alcohol to, I'll tell him you're working premium," she said before rushing out. 

I went to the bar and introduced myself to the bartender, he was a young guy most likely in his mid-twenties and his name was Dylan. 

"So college student?" he asked and I nodded as he placed a Kors bottle of vodka on a tray with some glasses and a mixer. 

"Me too" he replied winking at me "That's nice" I said wanting to be friendly but also end the conversation quickly, he wasn't my target. 

Back in the hotel room Steve couldn't help but find himself feeling slight jealousy over the interaction. After Sharon he never really found himself wanting to dive back into the romantic world, yet in a couple of days a certain agent had caught his attention making him feel feelings he hadn't in a while.

He shook his head shaking the feelings and switched to see Sam's feed which consisted of him standing and staring at his section of the club

"heading over to a table ready to run some faces" I whispered as I carried the tray up to the premium area "Ready" Steve replied and I adjusted the tray in my hand approaching my assigned table. 

"Hello boys" The table was occupied by a group of four men, all dressed in suits and looking like they were ready to have a good time. I smiled at them and introduced myself as their bottle girl, offering to mix their drinks to their liking.

One of the men, who seemed to be the leader of the group, took the bottle from my tray and poured some of the vodka into a glass "Thanks, sweetie," he said, giving me a sly smile "but we got this."

He grabbed a couple hundred dollar bills and leaned over to me, he pulled at the top of my skirt and placed the bills there in between the fabric of the skirt and my skin. 

"Why don't you stick around for a bit and keep us company?" I felt uncomfortable and slightly alarmed at the suggestive tone in his voice.

Politely declining, I explained that I was there to serve their drinks and ensure their satisfaction, not to engage in any other activities. The man shrugged and took a sip of his drink, but his gaze lingered on me for a moment before turning back to his friends.

I kept my cool and nodded, "Let me know if you need anything else" I placed the tray on the table so they could do what they liked.

As I turned to walk away, I made sure to look at each man individually "Nothing on these guys," Steve said in my ear. 

I sighed feeling slightly frustrated "Don't worry I'm sure we'll get something" Sam said into the comms and I tried keeping my hopes up the rest of the night. 

This operation was going to be longer than I liked.


jealous you say but why also back from my hols 😋

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jealous you say but why also back from my hols 😋

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