Chapter 18

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We landed back at headquarters and I went straight to Fury's office to tell him about our success and ask about the other bases.

Fury looked up from his desk as I walked into his office. "Well, well, well, if it isn't our star agent," he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was just teasing me. "Sir, I wanted to update you on the mission," I said, getting straight to the point.

Fury leaned back in his chair, indicating for me to continue. "We were able to take down the base," I explained.

Fury nodded thoughtfully. "Good work, Agent the other bases have also been taken down there was a hiccup with the one in Vermont but the issue was handled thankfully," he said.

"I guess we have Nathan to thank for this" I said "No we have you to thank" he said crossing his arms "Despite your mistake you proved yourself and managed to  rectify the issue."

I felt a sense of pride wash over me at his words, knowing that my hard work had paid off. "Thank you, sir," I said with a small smile. 

"Now get out of here," he said and I obliged leaving the room and making my way to my room, I got a slight fright as Steve was just sitting on my bed waiting. 

"Wanna go for a run?" he asked and I gave him a confused look "We just did a whole bunch of exercise" I groaned and he stood up walking over to me.

"Come on the sun is setting and It'll be nice outside" he said pulling me into him.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a bit exhausted from the mission and the long flight back, but the thought of spending some time outside with Steve was appealing. "Okay, let me change into something more appropriate," I said, pulling away from him and heading towards my closet.

I put on some leggings and a zip-up hoodie and pulled on some running shoes. 

We left my room at different times and met up a block away. 

We both began stretching together and I groaned realising I had forgotten to bring a hair tie, what's new? 

Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out a black hair tie offering it to me "Don't worry I remembered for you" he said pulling my hair into a ponytail, the gesture was so small yet made me feel so loved.

I smiled at him gratefully and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before we started jogging. As we ran, we talked about the mission and how it felt to finally take down the Hydra bases. It was a relief to know that the world was a little bit safer because of our efforts.

I knew that it would only be a couple of months before new bases appeared but for now, this was good enough, you have to bite the head off of the snake if you want the rest of it to die and for now the snake was still in the shadows.

The sun was setting, casting a warm golden light over the city, and the breeze was cool against our faces. It was a peaceful moment amidst the chaos and danger of our work.

We slowed down to a walk, catching our breath and taking in the scenery around us. Steve took my hand and we walked together, enjoying the silence and each other's company. 

We turned a corner and I spotted someone I did not think I would see again, I immediately turned around dragging Steve with me.

"Hey what's going on?" he asked trailing behind me "I just saw Dylan" I said "Wait, Dylan, like bartender Dylan from the club?" he asked and I nodded as we speed walked through crowds.

"Cassie" a voice called and I sighed "fuck" I stopped in my tracks pushing Steve away, if I was spotted with him then my cover would be blown and I couldn't afford that right now, you never know I might have to go back someday. 

"Dylan" I smiled as he approached me his friends watching from a distance "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Just out for a run," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. 

"You haven't been to work in a while?" he asked "Oh I quit" I lied and he furrowed his brows "So soon?" he asked "I know I just didn't like the environment" I lied, I looked to my left to see Steve staring at a bush intensely avoiding our gaze and I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. 

Dylan looked at me sceptically, as if he didn't quite believe me "Well if you change your mind I wouldn't mind putting in a good word to get you hired again," he said, giving me a small smile. 

I nodded "Yeah of course that would be helpful" "You have my number anyways, maybe I'll see you around campus" he said "Oh yeah I'll text you" I lied.

Dylan turned to his friends and I took that as my cue "Nice to see you again, Dylan," I said, giving him a wave as he waved back before he turned to walk away towards his friends.

I let out a sigh of relief once he was out of my sight and turned to Steve, who was still staring at the bush. "You okay there?" I asked, trying to suppress a laugh.

He turned to me, looking sheepish. "Sorry, I didn't want to blow your cover," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well thank you" I smiled leaning up to peck him on the lips. We walked back to headquarters hand in hand and separated once we neared. 

I made my way up to my room quickly meeting Steve in the hallway once the coast was clear "You know maybe you can spend the night" I said trailing a finger down his chest looking up at him "That's if we're quiet" I smirked.

Steve grinned mischievously at me, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I like the way you think," he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close he pushed my door open shoving us in and slamming the door shut behind us, he picked me up making me squeal and threw me onto the bed. 

We were in for a long night. 


oh 😏

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oh 😏

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