Chapter 10

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It was the end of the night now and the staff was crowding around the bar sharing stories from throughout the night. 

I made sure to also make my way over trying to look excited but in all honesty tired and wanting nothing more than to go to sleep. 

"Cassie" Ellie cheered as I walked over "How'd you do tonight" "Good it was fun" I lied "Raking in the tips?" she asked and I laughed, "I think I made a little over 6k" I answered honestly and her eyes widened.

"That's really good for your first day," she said and the other girls nodded a few giving me spiteful looks "She was a very popular choice tonight," Dylan said as he wiped the bar, I gave him a smile trying to mask my annoyed look at his tasteless comment.

"Man he's annoying," Steve said and it took everything in me not to laugh. 

"I should head off I have a 9 am tomorrow" I said and Dylan quickly hopped out from behind the bar "I can walk you out" he offered and I shook my head trying to come up with an excuse.

"Oh no it's fine don't worry about it my uh friends collecting me" I quickly said placing my hand on his chest hoping to carefully ease him off. 

He looked down at my hand and then back up at me, he bit his lip before speaking "See you tomorrow then" and I nodded walking to the changing room. 

"You did great today" Steve said and I sighed I know he was trying his best to be encouraging but I couldn't help but feel disappointed with the lack of progress. 

I grabbed my coat slipping it on "My feet ache" I whispered and could hear the two men laugh.

I met up with Sam a block away and we walked back to the hotel together.  We made our way right into Steve's room to discuss everything. 

"So no Hydra associates were there today but I heard a few of the girls talking about the 'big spenders' coming in tomorrow and I have a feeling those men might be who we want" Sam said and I felt a pang of hope return. 

"Yes they most likely have a schedule to come in and discuss business," I said as we started putting the pieces together. 

"I'm beat I'm going to bed at least now we know that we can expect some action tomorrow" Sam said as he left the room.

I got up to leave as well but a hand on my arm stopped me "Are you okay?" Steve asked and I furrowed my eyes in confusion. 

"The job isn't anywhere as easy as Sam's," he said and I sighed "I saw how you were treated all night" 

"It's fine I'm a professional I know what I signed up for," I said smiling and he nodded slowly "It's ok to still feel frustrated"

Steve's concern and understanding made me feel a little better "Yeah, I guess you're right," I replied, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. "It's just tough sometimes, you know, I can't do anything about it in the moment and then I think back to the girls who have to do this to earn a living"

"I can imagine," Steve said sympathetically "but just remember, you're doing this for a good cause and you're doing a great job."

I smiled at him, grateful for his words of encouragement. "Thanks, Steve I appreciate it."

"Anytime," he replied with a grin "Now go get some rest you earned it."

I nodded, feeling a sense of comfort with Steve. Despite the challenges of the job, it was nice to know that I had teammates who had my back. 

It helped a bit that the teammate happen to be very attractive and incredibly sweet. He was practically the perfect man. 

"Good night Captain" I smiled "Good night agent" he replied shutting the door behind him. 

I went to my room taking off my earpiece and the contact lenses before starting the process of taking off my makeup and getting ready for bed. 

"Get it together y/n that man is your superior" I whispered scolding myself for feeling the emotions I was feeling in my heart. 

As I wiped off my makeup, I couldn't help but think about Steve despite how much I gave out to myself. He was handsome, and kind, and seemed to genuinely care about my well-being. It was a dangerous combination, especially in our line of work where emotions could cloud our judgment.

I knew that I had to remain professional, especially around my superior. I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of the mission. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I was here for a reason, and that reason was to take down Hydra.

As I slipped into bed, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, but my mind was racing with thoughts of the job and Steve. I tried to push them aside, but they kept creeping back in.

Eventually, exhaustion took over and I fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, and I needed to be ready for whatever came my way.

Back in Steve's room he couldn't help but feel similar feelings "She's too much of a professional to have feelings like that" he thought as he got in his bed. 

Steve couldn't shake off the feeling that he had towards me. He was my superior, and he had to maintain a professional relationship with me. He couldn't let his personal feelings interfere with his work, especially not when they were on a potentially dangerous mission.

However, as he lay in bed, he couldn't help but think about my smile,  quick wit, and the way I carried myself. I was strong, intelligent, and beautiful - the perfect combination in his eyes.

He tried to push the thoughts away, focusing instead on the mission at hand but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop thinking about me.

"Get it together, Steve," he whispered to himself. He knew that he couldn't let his emotions get in the way of the mission. He had to stay focused and on task.

With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. He knew that tomorrow was going to be a long day, and he needed to be alert and ready for anything but even as he drifted off to sleep, a certain agent's face lingered in his mind.


both of yous get it together 😼

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both of yous get it together 😼

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