Chapter 3

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After placing Nathan in his seat I walked towards the door "Don't worry I'll be back just gonna give you a couple of minutes to compose yourself after your little tantrum" and with that, I left the room walking to the observation room. 

I could feel blood oozing from my nose from when Nathan head-butted me and I knew I would have marks on my neck from his attempted strangulation. 

"Are you ok?" Sam asked once I came into sight "Fine" I replied as I took some nearby tissue to wipe the blood, just a quick clean up because I still had to go back into the room.

"Are you not in pain?" Steve asked concern laced in his voice "I said I'm fine" I lied, there was no reason to let these injuries make me seem weak.

"I think he'll crack now, the violence was obviously a sign that I had gotten in his head now I just have to wait for him to direct that violence into something useful," I said to them as I stood beside them, looking through the one-way glass into the observation room.

Steve nodded in agreement "whatever it takes"

I walked back into the interrogation room Nathan looked up at me as I approached him, his eyes flickering with anger and frustration.

"I hope you've had some time to think about your actions," I said firmly, trying to keep my voice steady despite the pain in my nose and neck "Now, let's continue with our conversation, shall we?"

Nathan glared at me, but he didn't say anything. I could tell that he was struggling to maintain his composure. 

I sat in the chair this time and Nathan laughed "Don't worry I'm all tied up and can't get to you now" he teased 

I ignored his taunt and leaned forward, staring intently at him "Hydra sure is losing its charm, hiring idiots like you, didn't take too long to get caught" 

Nathan stared at me with anger in his eyes "I may be an idiot, but I'm not the only one," Nathan spat back at me.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his response "What do you mean by that?"

Nathan hesitated for a moment before speaking "I mean that there are others like me, working for Hydra and they won't stop until they've achieved their goal."

I leaned back in my chair, processing this information "And what is their goal?"

Nathan smirked, his eyes gleaming with malice "World domination, of course what else would it be?"

I shook my head in disbelief "You really think that's possible? That Hydra could take over the world?"

Nathan shrugged "Maybe not in my lifetime, but eventually, yes and I'll be a part of it, the empire is building back up"

I scoffed at his words, not believing a single thing he was saying "You really think you'll be a part of it? You're just a pawn Nathan, a disposable asset to Hydra."

Nathan's face contorted with anger "You don't know anything! I have connections, I have power, I have"

"Nothing," I interrupted him firmly "You have nothing but a misguided loyalty to an organization that doesn't care about you, you're expendable, Nathan they'll use you until you're no longer useful, and then they'll discard you like garbage."

Nathan's anger turned to fear as he realized the truth in my words. He slumped back in his chair, defeated "What am I supposed to do then?" he muttered "If I back out now what's to say they won't kill Angela and Ben for my disloyalty" 

"Cooperate with us," I replied. "Help us take down Hydra and we'll make sure your family is protected."

Nathan looked up at me, uncertainty in his eyes "Why should I trust you?"

"Because we're not Hydra," I said simply.

After a little more convincing I got some coordinates out of Nathan, it was only a small base but I know it was most likely the best he had, it's not like Hydra was about to hand out every secret to every agent they recruited.

I made sure to promise Nathan that I would keep my end of the bargain by protecting his family even though he was on his way to the raft for the crimes he had committed.

I left the interrogation room feeling satisfied I quickly went to where Steve and Sam were "Time to brief Fury" I said before turning back around just as fast to make my way to his office. 

As I entered Fury's office, he looked up from his paperwork and gave me a nod "What do you have for me?" he asked.

I filled him in on the information Nathan had given me, explaining that it was a small Hydra base, but it was better than nothing. Fury listened attentively and then gave me a nod of approval.

"Good work," he said "I'm sure we'll get more information in no time" 

"Now I need you three to go take it down, it may be small but I want no mistakes anything else you need will be at your disposal," he said as he looked at the three of us.

"Of course, we all understand the severity of the situation," Steve said.

"Who's leading?" I asked, "Do we have a choice?" Fury asked and I smiled "No sir" "Then why bother to ask" he sighed. 

"I'm leading," I said turning to the men, I could tell they were a little shocked, sure they both out-ranked me but in the end, it was information I acquired, even shed some blood for but neither of them questioned it.

"We'll leave in two hours, I'll gather a team and we meet back at the basement" I instructed 

"Agent don't forget to ice your face" Fury called out as we left his office I called out a "I won't" behind me but I know the most I'd do was splash cold water on my face and take some aspirin. 

I spent the next two hours gathering agents and getting geared up for the mission, it was a small base but I wasn't going to let my guard down, not if it was Hydra.

I was not going to let any more mistakes occur or give anybody a chance to doubt my abilities. 


"but given that it's a stupid ass decision i've elected to ignore it" you haven't though have you babe 😚

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"but given that it's a stupid ass decision i've elected to ignore it" you haven't though have you babe 😚

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