Chapter 13

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Eventually, I excused myself from the men saying my manager would get mad if I wasn't working and Alec insisted on buying a shot of rounds so I could work and still be around them.

I went back into the bathroom "ok so you heard all that right Alec has the building coordinates for the bases they're building" I whispered "I need to go home with him and figure out a way to get these details" 

"Absolutely not are you crazy" Sam quickly said "You can't go with him you aren't armed or prepared" 

I sighed pissed off "I don't have a choice how else are we meant to get that information" 

The first rule of undercover work was to never go to a secondary location, guess that was being broken pretty fast.

"What if you figure out a way to make him come back tomorrow and take you home then and we'll have time to prepare and figure out a way to arm you just in case" Steve said and I debated it for a second.

I wasn't sure how I was going to do it but I knew that was pretty much my only choice at this point.

With no other viable options, I agreed to Steve's plan. I left the bathroom and went to the bar retrieving the shots and walking back to the premium table, where Alec was still sitting with his friends. 

As I approached, Alec's eyes lit up and a sly grin spread across his face "Back so soon, beautiful?" he asked, taking the shot from my tray and downing it in one gulp.

I smiled back, trying to hide my apprehension "Just doing my job baby," I replied, setting the tray down on the table.

Alec leaned in closer to me "You know, I was thinking about you all night," he said, his voice low and seductive. "I can't stop thinking about those soft lips and that gorgeous body" he traced a finger across my bottom lip bringing it down my neck and to my chest.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. This was not the time to let my guard down "I'm flattered honey, but I really should be getting back to work," I said, attempting to sound casual as I flicked his hand away.

Alec's expression darkened, and I could tell he wasn't used to being rejected. "Come on, don't be like that," he said, grabbing my wrist "I promise I'll make it worth your while."

I pulled my hand away, trying to remain calm "I know you will but I can't tonight" I said attempting to sound apologetic "I've already lost out on so much tip money because I spent my night with you" I pouted trying to make money my issue.

"Money is not an issue darling," he said pulling out his wallet he grabbed a hefty sum of bills and placed them on my tray "That's for tonight" 

"Look, why don't you come back tomorrow and we can continue this, I can get off work early and we can go have some fun?" I suggested, hoping he would take the bait.

Alec's eyes narrowed as he considered my proposal "Alright, tomorrow it is," he finally agreed, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

With a nod, I picked up the tray looking to walk away but he pulled me back grabbing that same hand I pulled away. 

He pulled me close to him smashing his lips into mine, I gasped at the contact but kissed back not to raise suspicion he snaked his arm around my waist and I gently pulled away "Tomorrow" he confirmed and I smiled "Tomorrow"

I walked away, breathing a sigh of relief. I had bought myself some time, but now I needed to figure out how to make the most of it.

 "I need a bath with bleach," I said and I could hear Steve's laugh through the earpiece.

Back at the hotel, Steve watched the whole ordeal go down. He realised his feelings were very serious as he felt like running down to the club and giving Alec peace of his mind for even speaking to me. 

He watched the kiss with a locked jaw jealousy eating away at him. He had kept his emotions in check, never wanting to jeopardise our mission, but seeing me with Alec ignited a fire inside him that he couldn't ignore.

I blew Alec a kiss as he left the club and he smirked at me in response. The night was slowly coming to an end.

I made my way to the bar ready to go back to the hotel and discuss strategy with Steve and Sam.

"You know you really aren't meant to interact with the customers like that," Dylan said and I cursed silently, why was this man so damn nosy. 

"Oh I know but he was a big tipper you know how it is right with college bills" I lied and he nodded "Speaking of where's that number you promised" I giggled hoping to take his mind off Alec and me. 

He smirked before scribbling his digits on a napkin "I'll call next time I'm free on campus," I said as I walked away, once out of distance I threw the napkin in the nearest bin. 

I met with Sam and we made our way back to the hotel, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. I had managed to buy myself some time to figure out how to get the information we needed, and now it was up to us to come up with a plan.

Once we reached the hotel room, we were met with Steve. We began discussing strategies and plans that we could try. My eyes were growing very heavy with sleep and I was battling with myself to keep my eyes open. 

I didn't even realise how but I somehow fell asleep on the chair in Steve's room.

I opened my eyes slowly and groggily, still feeling disoriented from the deep sleep that had overtaken me. As I looked around, I noticed that I was no longer in the chair where I had fallen asleep. Instead, I was in Steve's arms, and he was carrying me in his arms.

"What's going on?" I mumbled, my voice heavy with sleep.

"It's okay, go back to sleep," Steve whispered, his breath warm against my ear "I'm just taking you to my bed you fell asleep on the chair"

I vaguely remembered drifting off to sleep but everything after that was a blur. I felt his arms tighten around me as he walked me over to his bed and carefully laid me down on the soft mattress. I snuggled into the blankets, enjoying the warmth and comfort they provided.

Letting sleep consume me again. Steve stared at my sleeping face admiring me for a brief moment before carefully pushing a strand of my hair away from my face.

"Goodnight beautiful"


oh 😉

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oh 😉

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