Chapter 53

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A/N- Bit of a long one but I didn't want to split the birthday chapter in two.

The next morning, I wake up because the person next to me moves. I crack open an eye to see Tyra curled up at my side, I smile and place a kiss on the top of her head before sitting up on the edge of the bed. I don't recognise the room to begin with but soon realise it's Sheamus's room and stand. I head to the bathroom and do my business before washing my hands and exiting. I see Sheamus sleeping on the couch and Tyra still sleeping in the bed so I walk over to the nightstand and pick up my phone to check my notifications.

Some time passes and it's now 8:30am, I'm still waiting for Sheamus and Tyra to awaken. I am sat in bed scrolling through my socials when I get a text from Athena...

New Message From Athena

Athena: Morning P, just wanted to double check the time for dinner. Can't seem to find the note I made.

Payton: Morning Thena and it's cool. The reservation is for 6:30pm so we'll meet a few minutes before outside the restaurant, if that's okay?

Athena: Of course and thank you. I didn't want to be late or knowing my luck, way to early. Is it still a surprise for Tyra?

Payton: Yes it is, along with showing her the adoption certificate.

Athena: Good :) also thank you for your advice on what to get her, I would have been so lost otherwise.

Payton: No problem :P but she's starting to wake up now so we'll see you later okay.

Athena: Yeah sure. See you later P.

End of messages

I put my phone down as Tyra stirs awake. "Morning Birthday Girl." I say with a smile, looking down at her. "Morning Mama." She replies with a yawn and a stretch. We sit and cuddle for a few moments before she gets up to use the bathroom so I get up and crouch infront of a still sleeping Sheamus on the couch, "Hey, it's time to get up." I say quietly as I shake him by his shoulder. He groans and rubs his eyes, "Mornin', how'd you sleep?" he asks as he sits up. "I slept good, thanks for bringing me back and looking after Tyra. I know last night couldn't have been easy." I say sitting down next to him, "No need to thank me Toni. Cé go raibh sé go leor le tabhairt isteach, tá áthas orm gur inis tú dúinn agus ná bíodh imní ort nach n-inseoimid do dhuine ar bith. Labhair mé léi ar ár mbealach ar ais."("Even though it was a lot to take in, I'm glad you told us and don't worry we won't tell anyone. I spoke to her on our way back.") he states wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into a side hug.

Tyra exits the bathroom and comes to sit next to me, laying her head on my lap. I play with her hair and ask, "So what do you want to do for your birthday breakfast? You can have whatever you want today, my treat." She thinking for a few moments before saying, "Can we get Starbucks for breakfast please." I nod with a smile before turning to Sheamus, "Ní mór dúinn éadaí, tá tú ceart go leor chun féachaint uirthi ionas gur féidir liom dul a fháil ar roinnt as ár seomra?"("We need clothes, you okay to watch her so I can go get some from our room?") I ask. He says he will so I tell Tyra to behave and that I'll be back soon.

I stood up and slipped on my shoes, he gave me his spare room key as I left and shut the door behind me. I opened up the door to my room and entered, I quickly found our bags and packed them up before grabbing everything else we brought with us. The room was still a mess from the events of last night and I'm not sure what happened after we left so I don't really want Tyra coming back to this. I did a final sweep making sure I got everything and left, heading back to Sheamus's room.

Upon entry, I gave Tyra her things telling her to go shower and change. She does as I ask and I turn back to Sheamus, "Tá ár seomra fós ina praiseach mar sin labhróidh mé leis an bhfáiltiú sula rachaimid amach. Tá fáilte romhat teacht linn, mo bhealach chun buíochas a ghabháil leat inné."("Our room is still a mess so I'll talk to reception before we head out. You're welcome to come with us, my way of saying thank you for yesterday.") I said to which he agrees.

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