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    Ji Xu disagreed with what Pauline said.

    He said: "Then you add one more, if anyone wants to be the proprietress, just pass it." "

    I said, can you be more serious?" Pauline laughed.

    Ji Xu: "I'm very serious."

    "No, can you stop being so funny? If someone reads the recruitment rules, I'm afraid they will laugh out loud. It's as if they all come to apply for the job because they want to be your boss. If the company is so shameless, I really can't stay any longer."

    It's narcissistic.

    Ji Xu didn't care at all.

    He doesn't seem to understand what it means to be ashamed, what it means to be gossiped about, or Ji Xu doesn't care much about these at all.

    Just like everyone always said that he is a thousand-year-old virgin, he was never angry, and even when his friends asked him, he didn't feel that he was being teased at all.

    If you haven't done it, you haven't done it, nothing to be ashamed of.

    However, Ji Xu has always felt that he doesn't look like a virgin recently, and he doesn't know why, and he can't figure out why.

    There is no way to go to the hospital to check whether he is still good, and he has some feelings... Forget it, Ji Xu is embarrassed to say it, he always feels that he will feel extra refreshed after drinking.

    But before Ji Xu is not sure what he will do when he is drunk, he will not drink easily again.

    Chen Zhili's interview all afternoon failed.

    At that time, the interviewer started to yawn even before he finished his self-introduction, because Chen Zhili mentioned his major.

    Chen Zhili felt it was very unfair, so what happened to the broadcast host? After all, this is also a skill. After all, I have studied in university for four years, but I slipped out of my mouth, "The cowherd loves Liu Niang, Liu Niang loves the cowherd, the cowherd misses Liu Niang every year, Liu Niang loves the cowherd every year, Lang Nianniang came to her mother to love her husband."

    "..." As if seeing his question, the interviewer frowned and said, "I'm sorry, student, didn't it say in the recruitment rules? Our major is only for linguistics students to apply for the exam." Chen Zhili did it because he saw it

    . Come, he said: "My language is not bad, really, you can test me again, my basic oral skills are simply amazing." The interviewer couldn't help but

    rolled his eyes, "I noticed it, but I said Your level... No, you can be a star with your looks, why are you a clerk?"

    Chen Zhili thought, to be a star... then who wouldn't want to, if I could be, I would still sit here listen to you.

    "Although we are some of the top 500 companies, I will tell you something from the bottom of my heart today. You will work here for the rest of your life. It is not as good as selling houses outside. Here, the monthly salary is 3,000, plus five insurances. What can you do with one gold? There is no commission in the later period, and it is not your turn to be promoted. You will starve to death after paying the rent and eating a meal

    . Marry a daughter-in-law."

    "...I just feel sorry for your conditions. If you really come, let alone you won't be able to apply for the job at all. If you really let you come, I will feel a pity. What happened recently... what is the Sunflower Youth Competition? You can go to participate."

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