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    Pauline knocked on the door inside Ji Xu, "President Ji?"

    Ji Xu opened the door from the inside with some embarrassment and said, "Sorry, I got up late today, put breakfast on the table, I'll eat it later."

    Chen Zhili glanced at Ji Xu was still wearing pajamas, and he was very energetic, but there was a tuft of hair on his head that was blown up.

    Tsk tsk, that's really rare.

    As soon as Ji Xu's door was closed, Pauline turned her head and said to Chen Zhili, "To be honest, since I knew him, it was the first time I saw him get up late. Didn't you call to wake him up?" "I don't know

    ... …No, I didn’t yell, the secretary’s rules are too thick and I haven’t finished reading them yet, could it be that he doesn’t set the alarm clock?”

    Pauline straightened her hair and put on her lipstick in front of the phone’s front camera, “How do I know , I have never been his secretary, anyway, I heard that you can't wake up naturally after a nap, especially sleep." "Then did

    you see his hair blown up? He must have just woken up when we knocked on the door, and he didn't even have time to look in the mirror. Otherwise, the door will definitely not be opened," Chen Zhili wanted to laugh as he said, "He must feel very embarrassed now, he looks like a zombie when he sleeps, but he failed when he got up." Pauline wondered: "How do you know that he sleeps like a corpse?

    " Zombie face?"

    "I guess." I slept.

    Pauline walked away on her high heels.

    Chen Zhili didn't dare to eat in Ji Xu's office, so he picked up a burrito and a cup of soy milk and squatted at the door of the boss's office to eat.

    The passing female colleagues greeted him and called him to chat in the tea room.

    Chen Zhili thought that Ji Xu had just woken up anyway, so he followed him.

    Here Ji Xu was really embarrassed when he looked in the mirror.

    After coughing for a long time, I went to take a shower. When I came out to eat, the breakfast was cold, and I put it in the microwave to heat it on my own.

    After breakfast, Chen Zhili still hasn't come back.

    Ji Xu frowned and sat at the desk again to read Chen Zhili's resume and personal information.

    His college grades are not bad, but it’s a little bit of a hangover, but it doesn’t matter, anyway, there is no violation of discipline, and the address... seems to be a bit far from the company now, no wonder he came when I woke up this morning.

    Ji Xu was watching, Chen Zhili came back suddenly.

    A little flustered, Mr. Ji quickly covered the information with other reports, and there was a photo of Chen Zhili in the upper right corner.

    Chen Zhili didn't see the photo, but saw Ji Xu's behavior that seemed to be hiding a secret, and was startled, "Sorry, sorry, I forgot to knock on the door."

    So Chen Zhili went back and knocked on the door again.

    Ji Xu: "..."

    Ji Xu: "Please come in."

    Chen Zhili didn't appear confident for the first time when he came in again. He was late for work, late for dinner, and forgot to knock when he entered the office.

    Can Guimao Jixu kill people?

    Sure enough, Ji Xu stared straight at Chen Zhili who had just entered the door, and remained silent for a long time.

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