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    [Xiao Ji online consultation: You may be depressed and irritable due to physical illness. I suggest you go to the hospital for a physical examination. You will be fine. Keep a good mood and don't think too much. ]

    [Xiao Chen is polite: I don't want to go to the hospital for an investigation, doctor, can you help me find out what's wrong? I always felt like vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness in limbs, and irritable mood, so I went directly to get the medicine. ]

    [Xiao Ji Online Consultation: I can't help you with this. I'm just a psychological counselor, and I deal with emotional adjustment. If medication is really involved, I suggest you find a psychotherapist and register at the hospital. ]

    Ji Shuangman is also a psychotherapist, has clinical experience, and has all the certificates he should have, but it is obviously better for Chen Zhili to go to the hospital.


    [Xiao Ji online consultation: Although your phenomenon sounds like you are pregnant, if I remember correctly, you should be a man? 】

    It took a while for Chen Zhili to reply.

    [Xiao Chen is being polite: I was questioned by you about life, I took off my pants and confirmed four times, I am indeed a man. ]

    [Xiao Chen is polite: You are a psychiatrist after all, can you be more reliable? If I can get pregnant, my boss will become less stingy in the future. ]

    [Xiao Ji online consultation: I'm talking nonsense, it may be food poisoning, I suggest you go to the hospital as soon as possible, vomiting and diarrhea? Is it dizzy and nauseating? If yes, it does, but it can't last for so long, how can you bear it. ]

    [Xiao Chen is being polite: I really can't bear it, good Doctor Ji, let's just leave it at that, I chatted with you for half an hour today, can I not charge by an hour? Let me forward it to you via WeChat, add a contact information? 】

    [Xiao Ji Online Consultation: It's okay, just chat as a friend and don't need to transfer money. I misdiagnosed it because of my nonsense today. Relax and don't think so much, just give me your contact information. ]

    [Xiao Chen is polite: okay, good night, Doctor Xiao Ji. ]

    Ji Shuangman added Chen Zhili's contact information.

    Probably out of curiosity, I really want to know how the steel straight man Ji Xu found out that he fell in love with a man, and even more want to know what this man looks like.

    So Chen Zhili asked to leave his contact information, and this guy couldn't wait to agree.

    But only now did Ji Shuangman realize that it was simply Chen Zhili's routine.

    This iron cock... There is a fee to chat with me on the website, but I don't need it in private.

    And Ji Xu really... It's not that the whole family does not enter the same door.

    Chen Zhili was so sleepy that he forgot to transfer the money at first.

    Suddenly, I dreamed about something from long ago.

    It was the year when Chen Zhili was an adult at the age of 18. He had just entered college and was returning home on his first weekend vacation. His father suddenly asked him to get a girlfriend quickly.

    Chen Zhili was a little flustered at the time, he didn't like women, so he could only falter and say that I was only eighteen years old.

    His father frowned and asked him at that time, "Eighteen is an adult, you can look for it now, and father will not stop you."

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