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    【Ji Xu: But I came too hastily, I didn't prepare anything. 】

    【Ji Shuangman: What are you preparing for? Prepare, what do you mean by buying two boxes of milk? I don't know if he has any feelings. If he is a straight man, he can talk to you on the phone every day? Are your breasts bigger than others? ]

    [Ji Shuangman: If he was a straight man, he could still broadcast live every day for you to watch him wash his underwear? He is more perverted than you? ]

    [Ji Shuangman: If he was a straight man, he would have sued you for sexual harassment, okay? Sober up bro. ]

    [Ji Shuangman: Is Mr. Liu good-looking? ]

    [Ji Xu: Ugly. ]

    [Ji Shuangman: It's because he's ugly! You know he's sexually harassing, not because he's a man, you're in the wrong direction. ]

    [Ji Shuangman: This has nothing to do with gender! ]

    [Ji Shuangman: It's because of you! The men of our Ji family, how could they be so fussy! ]

    If he didn't know that Chen Zhili had other thoughts about Ji Xu, Ji Shuangman would definitely not dare to say that.

    It's just uncomfortable now.

    It looks like these two are acting like their mother is playing a Qiong Yao drama, you make a few guesses about each other because of me... Ji Shuangman really wants to press their heads and go straight into the bridal chamber.

    [Ji Xu: That's not what I mean, I just think... I can't be sorry for him, I want to be more formal, you don't understand. ]

    [Ji Shuangman: Okay, I don't understand again. ]

    I am a psychological counselor, I do not understand anything.

    I can't empathize or empathize, so why are you two still communicating with me every day?

    Chen Zhili didn't mean that he could be discharged if he wanted to.

    His body does not allow him to act recklessly for the time being.

    Chen Zhili felt that this child could be said to have brought him a new life, allowing him, a hopeless homosexual, to usher in another life.

    He can even use the child to make peace with his father and stop looking for a girlfriend.

    Or you can use your own life to prove to your father that it doesn't matter if you give birth to a man.

    He can live very well like his father.

    At the end of the statement, he didn't ask Chen Zhili what he wanted the money for.

    When presenting money to Chen Zhi, the statement said so.

    "This money is the savings I have saved for half my life. It is used to buy a house for you to marry a wife. If you ask me for it now, you must need it very much. Now that you have graduated from university, Dad can't control you anymore. The communication between us It is less now, but no matter what, I hope you will be healthy and healthy. I am very happy that you can study abroad. I can understand how much money you spend to study abroad. I only hope that you are not using it for gambling or contamination. What bad habits, and if you encounter other difficulties, you must tell me in time."

    Chen Zhili replied, "Don't worry, Dad, I have nothing to do, I just want to make an investment, if it succeeds... Believe me, it will definitely succeed."

    Chen Zhili did not expect that his father, who seemed weak and weak, would save so much money.

    And it was for him to marry a wife.

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