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    Chen Zhili took a deep breath for a moment, and asked Jiang Yuanbo sadly, "Have you figured out how to comfort me?" "

    Not yet, the topic is a bit difficult, and it takes time to conceive. You are your boss in spring?" "

    Yes." Chen Zhili chose What Ji Xu's expression is suitable for replying.

    Or should I just ignore him?

    That won't work.

    Jiang Yuanbo: "Just the boss in your giant baby manual?"

    "Don't, what kind of giant baby, giant babies are all artificially raised, just wait, I will definitely raise him up, this person just lacks education "

    It's not so good. There is a class gap between us and your boss. Think about it, would your boss live in a low-rent house like ours?" Jiang Yuanbo asked Chen Zhili to watch the two of them who were about to fall from the ceiling. suspended ceiling.

    It is still light blue and small floral, which was used by grandma's house when I was a child.

    Chen Zhili yawned, "It's okay, I can go sleep with his Simmons."

    Jiang Yuanbo lay on the small bed next to him, carefully looking at Chen Zhili, "Li, are you watching some tormenting chicken soup again?"

    "For example?"

    "Time and a new love can quickly replace an old love, and you want to use this unrealistic goal to forget Tang Junyu." "


    "Then you are still sober."

    "I mean, me and It's not unrealistic for Mr. Ji."

    Jiang Yuanbo: "..."

    Well, it's nothing to say.

    Chen Zhili thought for a long time and said: "I just think... Mr. Ji may have some obstacles in his heart. Really, he can't know himself clearly."

    Jiang Yuanbo laughed, "Can't know himself clearly? Isn't that just because he doesn't know himself clearly? Do you want to count?"

    "Don't interrupt! I'll analyze my spring for you. He just has something wrong with him. Really, I see that he has a somewhat dependent personality. He's a nurturing personality. It's the kind that if you take care of him, he will grow into a What's it like."

    "Don't wash it up, if you don't love you, you don't love you." "

    ..." Chen Zhili sighed, indeed, Ji Xu loves him ass, he's stingy to death, there is no one he likes at first sight.

    Even if there is, Ji Xu can't catch up.

    A wealth of wealth seems useless, Chen Zhili thought that even if it was Pauline or Pauline's female assistant in the Rising Sun Building, people would not ask how much the burritos are, they are not short of money, but Ji Xu just made them. arrive.

    This person looks quite distanced, why is he so feisty when he comes into contact with him? To put it bluntly, he is stingy.


    Really picky.

    Get grounded and fall to the altar.

    Ji Xu waited until after two o'clock in the middle of the night, but Chen Zhili did not reply to his message.

    He obviously saw that the other party was typing, so he locked the phone, and opened it three minutes later, but there was no news.

    Ji Xu clicked into the dialog box again, and saw that the other party was typing again. After waiting for a while, the other party stopped moving and did not reply to the message.

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